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Today’s Readings:
Proverbs 4
Isaiah 42
Psalm 113

14 “I have kept silent for a long time,
I have kept still and restrained Myself.
Now like a woman in labor I will groan,
I will both gasp and pant.
15 “I will lay waste the mountains and hills
And wither all their vegetation;
I will make the rivers into coastlands
And dry up the ponds.
16 “I will lead the blind by a way they do not know,
In paths they do not know I will guide them.
I will make darkness into light before them
And rugged places into plains.
These are the things I will do,
And I will not leave them undone.”

Isaiah 42:14-16

The Lord says,
We are walking into days of resurrection and triumph. We are walking into days of winning, winning, and more winning. We are walking into days where the score was thought to be settled and the game was thought to be over, but suddenly new information comes to light. Plays not previously reviewed come into light, and the outcome all this time later is reversed to the astonishment of many.

Even now, umpires are quietly reviewing plays. They are secretly reviewing the game tapes, and cheating and illegal plays are being revealed in the darkness. Behind the scenes the momentum is shifting to the right. Behind the scenes a giant tidal wave of truth is mounting, and it will soon pour out into the public domain before the umpires announce the true game winning team. The foul plays and the illegal maneuvers will start pouring out into the public domain, and many will wonder if these will be able to change the final score, the final outcome of the game all these months later. The umpires will rise in unity from their hidden places in darkness, and they will call the game score revised. They will declare the true winners. In unison, with one voice, they will name the winning team in the sight of all.

18 But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn,
That shines brighter and brighter until the full day.

Proverbs 4:18

This victory, this tectonic shift of an announcement will cause celebrations bigger than any Super Bowl, bigger than any Hockey Championship, bigger than any World Series. This will electrify the nation and the nations of the world. This will change everything. Instead of fire, it will bring healing to the land. It will cause the cognitive dissonance of many to be resolved. It will cause minds to operate more clearly once again. It will cause people to see and live in the truth more definitively. It will cause families to have great relief and to see a way forward again. It will alleviate many financial and social pressures. It will cause a rapid decline in crime, in violence, and it will cause safety to greatly improve in the streets.

7 He raises the poor from the dust
And lifts the needy from the ash heap,
8 To make them sit with princes,
With the princes of His people.
9 He makes the barren woman abide in the house
As a joyful mother of children.
Praise the Lord!

Psalm 113:7-9

The people will rejoice when righteous rulings and righteous leaders return to the platform. The people have been perishing for lack of knowledge, but days of great illumination are just ahead. Days of truth about history, truth about recent events, and truth about the current state of affairs will be revealed, taught and highly accessible to the people. These are days when people will choose deliberately to buy truth and not sell it. They will want truth to line their bookshelves and be taught to their children. We are walking into days of massive, earth shifting change. It is all for the good, for the people and for truth. It will be a glorious dawning of a new day for America, and for the world. The people will see clearly, and the light of truth will shine uninhibited in the land again.

How to Respond

  • Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and justice.
  • Pray, Lord would you reveal Your truth to me? Give me eyes to see and ears to hear the truth of what is going on around me. Help me to discern the truth in these days of so much deceit, cover-ups and lies.
  • Declare, the Lord God Most High has sent Holy Spirit to lead me in all truth. I have everything I need pertaining to life and godliness. The Lord will not fail to reveal to me the things I need to know in order to live correctly and to make wise choices in uncertain times.
  • Decree, the plans of the enemy are about to backfire in his face. The Lord is revealing the truth and resurrecting dead situations that were believed to have no chance of being revived. The truth will be revived like a hungry lion, and she will not be quieted or tamed.


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