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Today’s Reading:
Psalm 16
Psalm 91
Ephesians 6

““Because he set his love on Me, therefore I will save him; I will set him [securely] on high, because he knows My name [he confidently trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never abandon him, no, never].”

Psalms‬ ‭91:14‬ ‭AMP‬‬

The Spirit of the Living God says,
I Am the strength inside of you. Stir up the joy of My Presence, and you will find yourself strong. When you are entwined as one with Me, when you remain in Me, I remain in you and with you. I strengthen you, and give you grace for today. I empower you and lift you up higher than you ever thought you could reach. It’s My Spirit inside of you. It’s the joy of My Presence. It’s the sound of My salvation in your heart that lifts you up and raises you to heights you could have never reached. Nothing is too difficult for Me. Nothing is difficult at all for Me. I Am the Lord of Heaven and Earth. I made it all. Can I not do with it as I choose? Can I not lift some up and pluck others from authority and take them down? Of course I can. And I do.

“Because I set you, Yahweh, always close to me, my confidence will never be weakened, for I experience your wraparound presence every moment. My heart and soul explode with joy—full of glory! Even my body will rest confident and secure. For you will not abandon me to the realm of death, nor will you allow your Faithful One to experience corruption. Because of you, I know the path of life, as I taste the fullness of joy in your presence. At your right side I experience divine pleasures forevermore!”

Psalms‬ ‭16:8-11‬ ‭TPT‬‬

In this hour, you will see the joy of the Lord rising. You will see the joy of My Presence take center stage. You will see those who fill themselves to the overflow with My precious and powerful Spirit lifted up to previously unimaginable heights. It will be like they are suspended in air. It will be like they are floating above the possible and have surpassed possibility. They will surpass low and medium level impossibilities and will dwell in the place of extraordinary impossibilities. They will live in the realm of the impossible. Yet because of My Spirit in them, they laugh at the impossible and prove it wrong. It’s not because of effort on their part. It’s not because of wisdom on their part. It’s because of My Spirit inside of them. It’s because they delighted in the Lord and made Me their full delight. It’s because their practice and their joy was to stir up the joy of being in My Presence, of walking next to Me in the cool of the day, of delving into My ways, My Word, because they pursued intimate friendship with Me. Those who delight themselves in Me in this hour will find themselves out of the reach of the enemy. They will simply float far above the snake line and be far outside, far above his grasp and reach.

“Now my beloved ones, I have saved these most important truths for last: Be supernaturally infused with strength through your life-union with the Lord Jesus. Stand victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and through you.”

Ephesians‬ ‭6:10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Those who have filled themselves with the ecstatic delight of knowing Me and being known by Me will rise above it all effortlessly. The ones I Am raising up in this hour are untethered to human thinking. They are untethered to and unbound by the constraints and the ways of man. They are rising because of their delight in Me, their utter ecstatic joy in knowing Me and being known by Me. That’s what qualifies in this hour. That’s what enables and causes My lovers to rise above. It is the great joy and delight of My Presence that will cause a remnant of My lovers to rise above world systems and constraints and operate at supernatural levels never before seen.

How to Respond

  • Stir up the delight of the Lord. Stir up the absolute joy of the Presence of the Lord.
  • Stir up expectation that the Lord will cause you to far surpass what man believes to be impossible.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit, draw me deeper into the knowledge of You. Draw me deeper into Your Presence and Your ways. Cause my greatest joy, my ecstatic delight to be simply dwelling in Your Presence and being taught Your ways.
  • Declare, the Lord Jesus Christ is the Eternal King. He rules and reigns forever. The increase of His government knows no end, and as His government increases, as deep abiding love of Him increases, as the holy, reverential fear of the Lord increases, things that have long been believed to be impossibilities will be effortlessly accessed by His lovers — by those who dwell close to His heart.
  • Decree, I will stir up the joy of the Presence of the Lord. I will stir up my delight in the Lord’s ways and His Word. I will trust in the Lord with all of my mind, heart, soul and strength. His ways and His Word are increasing in my sight and the opinion and beliefs of man are shrinking and shriveling to an insignificant place. I will be among those who are lifted to great heights by the joy of the Presence of My Savior and King.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: This Is a Season of Repositioning
2022: The Lord Has Released Hunger for Him into the Earth
2021: Jesus Is Resurgent


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