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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 5-6
Isaiah 35

Highlighted Verses:
Isaiah 28:17

Supernatural Healing from Trauma

The Lord says,
I Am touching the hearts and minds of many. I Am healing PTSD, and I Am healing people of many traumas. I Am causing people who are experiencing traumatic events now to never sustain the trauma in their minds, bodies and souls. This is a time of a great release and healing from trauma in the Earth. I Am bringing My healing power to soldiers, victims of rape, abuse, battery and all kinds of violence. I Am bringing this healing to those who have experienced divorce — the parties to divorce and the children of divorced parent. To all of these I Am offering extreme healing, life changing healing. I Am bringing healing that causes the cycle of bad patterns, bad behaviors and bad coping mechanisms to be broken in an instant and not revisited. Through this I Am healing many relationships and many hearts. Great health is entering the hearts of those once victim to a situation, circumstance, person, people, or event. Trauma is being broken off in a real and permanent way. And the enemy’s works to create new traumas don’t have the stickiness they once did, because this is a season of great healing and great resilience. This is a generation of overcomers, of warrior lovers and of ferocious lions who roar NO at the enemy’s schemes to divide, conquer, steal, kill and destroy.

Justice Is Coming

The Lord says,
I Am moving in a great wave of justice. There is a great connection between healing from trauma and true justice. Forgiveness does not absolve the offending party of consequences. And this is a time of great consequence. Justice will be served in great order, with honesty and through wisdom and insight gained from time with Me.

Justice will be meted out, and it will restore many virtues into their rightful place. It will return consequence to criminals regardless of stature, title or connection.

I Am returning you to a day where yes means yes and no means no. Right is right and wrong is wrong. There is no room left for interpretations of very many basic things. It is not a feelings-based justice system. It is a right and wrong, truth and lie, fact and fiction, law and violation justice system. Clap for its return. Rejoice for its return. Celebrate for its return!

How to Respond

  • Come to the feet of Jesus and show Him your trauma. Ask Him for healing. Ask Him to change your story as it relates to that trauma — to bring beauty and life where there was only hurt and destruction before.
  • Declare that the Lord is healing many people of trauma and all associated triggers in this time.
  • Declare that great healing of trauma is available even in the moment of the trauma happening.
  • Declare that the Lord is restoring true justice and righteous virtues.
  • Declare that those who have made a willful choice to withhold or pervert justice will meet justice.
  • Declare that those who have acted in ways that have purposefully inflicted hurt on others or have chosen to violate people’s rights will face true justice.
  • Thank the Lord for His justice and for true righteousness.


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