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Today’s Reading:
Micah 5

The purged and select company of Jacob will be like an island in the sea of peoples. They’ll be like dew from God, like summer showers Not mentioned in the weather forecast, not subject to calculation or control.

Micah‬ ‭5‬:‭7‬ ‭MSG‬‬

The Spirit of the Living God of Peace says,
I’m challenging the giants. I’m provoking them to draw near. My grace is drawing them into your sphere. Titans of industry, men of tremendous power, women whose arms have very long reach — I’m drawing them near to you. You will find yourself encircled by giants, and then you will realize that you are one of them. I made you to be one of them — you are the ones who have sniffed out, uncovered and attacked the wolves in sheep’s clothing. I have made you to be a part of a company of seeming giants who are united in heart and mind, and when they move the impact is powerful and decisive.

Yes, the purged and select company of Jacob will be like an island in the sea of peoples, Like the king of beasts among wild beasts, like a young lion loose in a flock of sheep, Killing and devouring the lambs and no one able to stop him.

Micah‬ ‭5‬:‭8‬‬ ‭MSG‬‬

I Am drawing you into circles you could not have fathomed were for you, but your spot is reserved. I’m drawing you into circles of belonging and purpose, so do not back up. Do not hesitate, and do not treat yourself as less or reduce yourself to the size of a dwarf or the mindset of an imposter. I have set a place for you here. Assume your seat at this table of honor among warriors who are united here because of their alliance with Me, because of their allegiance to truth. I Am setting you in companies of people who may now look like giants. But these are places that will not long feel foreign. These are circles of belonging, assignment and friendship that lead you into destiny.

With your arms raised in triumph over your foes, your enemies will be no more! “The day is coming” —God’s Decree— “When there will be no more war. None. I’ll slaughter your war horses and demolish your chariots. I’ll dismantle military posts and level your fortifications. I’ll abolish your religious black markets, your underworld traffic in black magic. I will smash your carved and cast gods and chop down your phallic posts. No more taking control of the world, worshiping what you do or make. I’ll root out your sacred sex-and-power centers and destroy the God-defiant. In raging anger, I’ll make a clean sweep of godless nations who haven’t listened.”

Micah‬ ‭5‬:‭9‬-‭15‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Don’t draw back from the circles and companies that I Am leading you into or causing to draw near to you. This is a time of a great series of new connections that will change the landscape of not only your life, but life in the world as you know it. These alliances and connections, friendships and bonds will be ones that change the world. Don’t shy away from new assignments or new connections because they seem too foreign or too big. Run into them. They will become your new normal, your new reality, your new zone. I Am leading you into and positioning you for great exploits with like-minded, like-hearted giants. They are not other — you are one of them.

How to Respond

  • Trust the guiding of the Lord, even if it seems scary.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit thank You that You have prepared new alliances, connections and places for me. You have prepared new assignments and great exploits for me to tackle with like-minded, like-hearted warriors who love You. Thank You that You have given me incredible positions and assignments in this wild time in history. Help me to move forward in bold obedience to You, regardless of what it looks like.
  • Declare, the Lord is opening doors that no man can shut. The Lord is uniting me with ones I admire and even view as giants. The Lord is setting a table for His warrior-lovers in the presence of our enemies. And He is giving us strategies and assignments for the days and battles ahead.
  • Decree, I will walk in quick and full obedience to the voice of the Lord. I will not be intimidated or draw back from the new circles, connections and tables He is calling me to join. I will step confidently into these new places, knowing that the Lord has a special seat for me reserved here; knowing that He has called me here because He has equipped me to bring to something significant to the table.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: The Flood of Truth Is Upon Us
2022: The Victory Has Already Been Won
2021: A Rescue Mission & The Great Awakening Are Underway


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