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Today’s Readings:
Mark 11:12-26
Isaiah 41:8-10

The Lord says,
When I return to the Earth, will I find faith? What does faith look like? It looks like a mustard seed. It looks like a tiny speck of belief in the direction of My promise, in the direction of what You’re hoping for. Yours is to have faith. Yours is to trust and believe. Mine is to act, to perform and to deliver great miracles on your behalf because I love you, because you are Mine, because I want to, and because of your mustard seed of faith.

Your mustard seed of faith is all I need. I don’t ask for your faith to fill your house, your car, or even a cup. I’m asking only for a mustard seed. I will perform My word according to My promises, and I will exceed all your expectations, all your hope and all your wildest dreams. Choose faith. Exercise faith. Plant a faith, and lend it to another. Be the faith that someone else can borrow to get their promises fulfilled.

My economy is different. My economy is miraculous. Don’t try to figure the numbers or the count. Just count on Me.

How to Respond

  • Rest. Seriously, rest.
  • Take it one day at a time and ask for what you need. I will provide. I Am faithful and just and I have wonder working power.
  • Hear Me. Trust Me. Wait on Me.
  • Plant your mustard seed of faith, and watch Me perform My word, My promises, My just and good deeds beyond your wildest expectations. I Am that good.


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