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Today’s Readings:
Hebrews 12:18-29
Psalm 34
Luke 11:14-23
Luke 11:33-36
Isaiah 52

For the Lord’s training of your life is the evidence of his faithful love. And when he draws you to himself, it proves you are his delightful child.

Hebrews 12:6

Pure Worship Reveals Identity

The Lord says,
Worship — pure songs from the heart being offered up to Me — is a very beautiful and pure thing. It touches My heart, and it reveals your surrender, your recognition of Who I Am, what I’ve done, and who I created you to be.

Greater revelations of who I created you to be will come from times of worship. Your right identity, your right understanding of who you are, and who I designed you to be will be revealed incrementally as you worship. If you want to know who you are, it comes from exercising acknowledgement of Who I Am. You find the answers to these secret questions of your heart — about destiny, identity, calling and purpose from a posture and a lifestyle of humility and worship.

From this place, from this lifestyle, I Am enabled to strengthen you, to build your confidence, to infuse you with a holy and unshakable confidence. As you entwine your heart and your desires and your views with Mine, as you submit your beliefs and opinions and preferences to Me, I Am able to fill you and to speak clearly to your heart. I Am able to direct you, to give you an understanding of My heart and My views — the compassion and love I have for My people, the heartbreak I have at watching their wayward self-destructive ways, the heartbreak I experience alongside all with broken hearts, and the intense love and passion I have for My people.

This is a season where I Am building My people up. I Am calling them forward to a new life. I Am calling them to lives of strength, of dignity, of righteousness and purity, with fierce and very protective warrior stances to guard the truth, to advance the truth and demand justice in the Earth.

We are leaving behind the broken days. We are leaving behind the days without meaning, days full of living for experiences and self with no return. We are leaving emptiness, sin, and the pursuit of pleasure over conscience. Those days are in the rear view mirror.

These are the days of mighty warriors, with eyes focused on Me, on truth, on righteousness, on justice and on changing the world to reflect these values. The truth is marching on.

Healing Division

The Lord says,
I Am Healer. I Am the Healer of the breach, and I Am endowing this gift of healing on My people. The breaches will be healed. The divisions — the false divisions created by rhetoric and propaganda and lies, the false but seemingly very real divisions created for political gain — I Am demolishing these lies. I Am exposing the source of these lies, and I Am revealing the truth. Many truths will be exposed and revealed and shouted for all to hear in this hour. I Am healing the breach, and My people will be actively involved in the healing.

The Lord’s Presence is Heading to Washington, DC

The Lord says,
18 Wheeler trucks in a caravan heading to Washington, DC. I Am driving and causing the truth to barrel forward to Washington, DC. I Am causing the truth of Who I Am and the knowledge of Me to come to DC. I Am causing My Presence to move in and settle on Washington, DC. Many will be saved, healed and delivered. Many lives will be changed, and many will repent. My Presence is the great truth serum. I will cause people to see Who I Am, and they will be humbled and bow and repent and choose Me, choose new life, choose Jesus, choose eternity, choose change, choose truth.

There will also be great wailing, severe pain and extreme spiritual agony for those who have chosen the side of evil and refuse to repent, refuse to surrender. The wailing and the screeching will be heard far and wide, because when My Presence comes it touches all. It impacts all. The posture and the condition of your heart is what makes the difference in how My Presence is received. Evil cannot tolerate My Presence. It will have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and it will be exposed. The shrieking will cause many to expose themselves — to expose their true natures for the world to see.

This is the time of two Springs. This is the time of great celebration and renewal and change and healing and deliverance. It is also a time of great exposure of evils, and great agony for those who have chosen the side of evil. I will administer justice for the evils they have done to Me, to My Name and to My children. Evil will not win. Evil will not stand. The crushing of evil at the highest levels of government is imminent.

How to Respond

  • Choose joy today. Choose hope.
  • Rejoice that the Lord, your God, your Maker is moving on your behalf.
  • Worship. As you worship, the Lord will reveal to you His innermost secrets about who you are and who He created you to be. As He does, He will empower you to walk in the calling He designed just for you.
  • Declare that justice, exposure and truth come to all aspects of society.
  • Prophesy that the Lord’s Presence has come and is continuing to come and move on Washington, DC – to bring truth, justice and liberty.


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