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Today’s Readings:
Isaiah 36:13-37:38
Ephesians 4:17-32
James 1
Malachi 3-4

For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them ablaze,” says the Lord of armies, “so that it will leave them neither root nor branches. 2 But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and frolic like calves from the stall. 3 And you will crush the wicked underfoot, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I am preparing,” says the Lord of armies.

Malachi 4:1-3

A Revelation of the Lord’s Holiness

The Lord says,
I Am moving to release an appreciation and revelation of My holiness. This is My Great Reset, because a personal revelation of holiness changes everything. It snaps the pieces of life into their rightful place of priority. Once again, I become center and primary. Having a correct view of Me takes a lot of burden and pressure off of you. It causes you to make decisions differently. It causes you to think differently. It causes you to care about different things. A revelation of holiness heals many broken places. My holiness can reach into places that have been sealed shut out of fear and for protection for many years. My holiness can fix broken minds, wrong thinking, and it will clean out the pollution that you have allowed residency.

One person’s revelation of My holiness will impact all in that person’s circle. But a revelation of My holiness by many, a mass revelation of My holiness can change the world. And it will. I Am moving to unveil many eyes. I Am moving to reveal Myself in a real, tangible, inescapable, undeniable way. Many men and women, boys and girls will fall to their knees at the revelation of Me. They will bow in humility and worship. They will recognize the condition of their own heart and soul, and they will be moved by deep conviction. They will know with full certainty in every fiber of their being that they need Jesus to rescue them from the path of self that they are on. They will be looking in great need — in soul wrenching desperation for Jesus.

This revelation of My holiness will restore order. It will remove people from being their own gods and from having other people exalted as the gods of their life. They will see themselves reflected in My holiness as their minds and eyes are healed, and they will know their place in Me. They will know that they were created. They will know that they were made with purpose for many good purposes. And everything will shift. Futility and pleasure will no longer be the pillars of their lives. Chasing success will hold no interest unless it is tied to purpose in Me. I Am coming to restore all things, and that begins with a revelation of My holiness and a restoration of proper identity for the people.

A Great Hunger for Truth

The Lord says,
I Am causing a great hunger for truth to spread. I Am causing people to hunger and thirst for truth and righteousness. Minds are being awakened, the fog is lifting, and blind acceptance is no longer an available option for many. A sinking feeling that the corporate narrative does not add up is causing panic in hearts. It is causing distrust in these narrative leaders. The constant parroting of talking points by many with a platform is causing the people to be sick. They are beginning to reject this narrative. As the narrative is rejected, there is room for truth. When the truth enters in, it will cause a fierce, wild, unpredictable reaction by these who were blind before. They will roar with a mighty ear piercing roar in anger, in outrage, in rebellion to the status quo. Watch as the truth releases many roaring lions hungry to devour those who have deceived them and caused them pain, suffering and sickness. These are caged lions no longer. These are tame lions no longer. They are wild, hungry and they are roaming free.

Trust in the Lord

The Lord says,
Trust Me. Trust My voice. Trust My timing. I Am the Lion and the Lamb. I Am the Holy One of the Tribe of Judah. I have chosen this time to make Myself known. I have chosen to let many evil ones work together in a coordinated way that ultimately sets a massive trap for themselves. If they were not to build this sickening Tower of Babel, if they were not to coordinate in plain sight, you could not witness the whole tower of evil come down in one swipe of My Hand. But this is exactly what will happen. All of their dirty and evil fingerprints are visible to the world, even now, on this evil Tower of Babel. When the tower is exposed for what it is, they will all come crashing down with it. In an instant. This was built in partnership with evil. This was built by exalting evil and exalting self above Me. It turns My stomach. It is revolting. And I will remove it from My sight. I will demolish it. And you will know it was Me.

The Lord’s Surprise Attack

The Lord says,
My troops are lined up for battle and many more troops are falling in line behind them. This will be a surprise attack. The enemy thinks he has won, but with one sound of My trumpet, with one call of My instruction, My troops will advance and the walls of this city, like Jericho, will come crashing down. The fortress that the enemy has built of lies and deceit will come crashing down, and the giants in the land will have no defense. My warriors will take many down in a day. My warriors will not sleep until the giants are completely demolished and removed from the land.

Great treasures will be found and will be available to the conquerors and to the people. When the land that has been occupied by evil is conquered, the reward for the people will be indescribably great. It will be bounty on every side. Trust Me. Trust My plan, My purposes and My timing. I will shake and remove these evil players from the scene.

How to Respond

  • Declare that evil will be defeated in America and the world.
  • Declare that the Lord is bringing a shaking and a revelation of His holiness to empower the people and terrify the enemy.
  • Declare that the Lord is dismantling power systems that have allowed evil to rule
  • Declare that lies and deceit that have built large constructs to control the people with fear are crumbling even now.
  • Declare that the Lord has overcome.
  • Declare that we shall overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of Our testimony.
  • Worship. Fill your mind and home with the sounds of worship.
  • Do not allow fear or panic or anxiety a place with you.
  • Make declarations of your identity in Christ — “I am a child of the Most High King. I am seated in Heavenly Places. I am the head and not the tail. I am a treasure to the Most High God. I have been redeemed by the Blood of Jesus. I am a mighty warrior. And my God is victorious.”


One Reply to “The Lord is Releasing a Revelation of Holiness & Demolishing the Works of the Enemy”

  1. Great words of encouragement from the Lord. We must be bold and courageous! Amen

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