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Today’s Reading:
Psalm 87
Psalm 101

“Lord, I will sing about your faithful love for me. My song of praise will have your justice as its theme. I’m trying my best to walk in the way of integrity, especially in my own home. But I need your help! I’m wondering, Lord, when will you appear?”

Psalms‬ ‭101:1-2‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Lord says,
Look at the peace in your heart when you are warring, when you are at war, when you are actively engaged in battle. Your peace is secure, because you war from peace. You war from victory. You war from Heavenly places. You are seated with Me in Heavenly places. Whom or what shall you fear? The foundations of My throne are righteousness and justice. Declare these things. Pull them down to Earth. Decree a thing and you shall establish it. Forbid a thing, and it is bound. Call Heaven down to Earth. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty for the taking down of strongholds. Call Heaven down to Earth. Use My words as your decrees. Send angels out on assignment by the declaration of My Word. Establish it in the Earth with your voice. Establish it in the Earth with your sound. Establish it in the Earth in truth.

In the chaos and in the noise you can be at perfect peace. I have provided a way for you to be at perfect peace. It is from your perch in Heavenly places. It is from your seat next to Me on high. High above the rancor and the noise is your designated seat, your rightful place. Speak from there. Speak from the peace of that place. Speak loudly, boldly and without fear. Let your word decrees come from the overflow of your heart that is saturated with My Word. I will bring scriptures and truth to mind, and you will decree them. Decree them in boldness and without fear. You are sending out truth into the atmosphere. You are giving angels assignments to carry out My words on the Earth.

Fill yourself with song. Refill yourself through worship, praise and thanksgiving. Be filled and refilled with Holy Spirit. Call My Presence to come and fill the place you are, to take dominion of the space you are dwelling.

“I refuse to gaze on that which is vulgar. I despise works of evil people and anything that moves my heart away from you. I will not let evil hold me in its grip. Every perverse and crooked way I have put away from my heart, for I will have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness. I will silence those who secretly want to slander my friends, and I will not tolerate the proud and arrogant.”

Psalms‬ ‭101:3-5‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The spirit world needs to be more real than what you can see with your eyes. The spirit world is the action, and what you see is the reaction. All of the physical manifestations of war and peace, of good and evil are manifestations, are effects, reactions of the spiritual war that is raging. The war rages on. Don’t be a bystander. Participate. Pick up your sword, put on the full armor of God, and establish righteousness in the Earth. Establish justice in the Earth. Decree a thing, and it shall be established. Your words establish reality. Your words establish my Kingdom and give it a strong foothold in the Earth. Your words will force out evil and cause it to flee. It’s your words. Use your words to release My Word and watch the scene change. Watch reality change. Watch the tide shift and the tables turn. Watch the balances tip and the scales be weighted in favor of the Kingdom of the Living God.

“My innermost circle will only be those who I know are pure and godly. They will be the only ones I allow to minister to me. There’s no room in my home for hypocrites, for I can’t stand chronic liars who flatter and deceive. At each and every sunrise I will awake to do what’s right and put to silence those who love wickedness, freeing God’s people from their evil grip. I will do all of this because of my great love for you!”

Psalms‬ ‭101:6-8‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The enemy never had a chance. But you must fight. You must participate. You must be active. My words are fighting words. Fight with My words. Decree them. Establish them, and you will see a destruction overflowing with righteousness. You will see the destruction of the systems of this world. You will see a destruction of evil systems that were erected to constrain, bind and over-burden My people. We will overcome, and we will overthrow with My words being decreed from your bold mouth. It’s time to fight with bold decrees. Do not relent. Do not give up. Do not back down. The fight is at your doorstep.

How to Respond

  • Carve out time in your day and interject in your day bold declarations of the Word of God.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit come. You are most welcome here. Bring Your Presence Lord. Bring to mind the scriptures that You want me to decree. Remind me of Your faithfulness, Your victories and Your bigness. Help me to keep my eyes on You and speak the truth You have placed in my heart. Help me to overcome any fear. Help me to rise up in courage and with great boldness to declare the truth of Your Word and send angels on assignment to topple and destroy the works and strongholds of evil. Your Kingdom come Lord. Your will be done — on Earth as it is in Heaven, and Lord we pray for the peace of Israel and for justice for the Israeli people. We pray for the salvation of the Jews.
  • Declare, the Lord is exalted above all. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of His throne. His Word will be established and accomplished in the Earth. He has already won the victory, and we will see the victory.
  • Decree, I am seated with the Lord my God in Heavenly places. I will rise up in boldness and authority to speak the truth of the Living God. My decrees activate angels on assignment. My decrees topple and destroy strongholds of evil. My decrees establish Heaven on Earth, and my decrees cause darkness to flee.
  • Decree, The increase of the Lord God Almighty’s government knows no end. My God is the ever-victorious God. The nations of the world will acknowledge Jesus as Lord. Sex trafficking must end. Pornography has no place. The people of the world were made by the hand of God Himself and in the image of God. Human life is the most valuable life. God Most High will truly bless Jerusalem. Deep state actors will be exposed and will face swift justice. Organized crime and its ties to government will be exposed and face decisive and forceful justice. Corruption in government at every level will be exposed, powerfully put down and stomped out for good. Corporate corruption will be exposed and dismantled by the strong arm of justice. The drug trade and the open borders will be exposed with all of their ties to bad government actors and government-sanctioned actors, and justice will come to the people —recompense to the victims and judgement to the perpetrators.
  • Decree Psalm 87 for Israel.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in 2022: Be Bold & Brave in the Waiting

And in 2021: The Lord is Bringing Great Joy to His People & Confusing the Camp of the Enemy


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