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Today’s Readings:
Proverbs 13
Romans 13:8-14
John 16:22-33
Galatians 3:23-4:7
Isaiah 43:1-44:8

33 And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is in me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in me. For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous, for I have conquered the world!”

John 16:33

Keep Your Hopes Up

The Lord says,
I Am your hope. I Am the one who keeps your hope alive.
I keep hope alive. This is a day and a time to keep your hopes up. Keep looking up. Keep pushing forward. My Word never fails. I never fail. Don’t give up now.

Anxiety has no place. Stress has no place. Invite in My perfect peace. Make declarations of victory, of trust in Me, of My favor and freedom. Sing songs of worship that encourage your soul and cause your hopes to rise. This is a fight. It is a fight to stay hopeful, to stay in trust, to stay in perfect peace. Fill your mind and heart with beautiful things, with words and songs that remind you of My faithfulness. Allow My Word to be the final say. Allow My voice to guide you. Allow My peace to settle your heart and mind. You can walk through the chaos and the swirl unaffected by it. Hold My Hand and fill your ears and your heart and your mouth with only words of encouragement and truth.

We Are Overcomers

The Lord says,
I have the power to save. I Am moving with the power to save, and many will be saved. Many who are caught up in the the tumult and chaos of the world will find Me, and they will cling to the the feet of Jesus in the midst of the swirl. Can you feel peace rising in your spirit? Can you feel My Presence warming your cheek? Can you feel My love burning in your heart? This is what it looks like to overcome. This is what it looks like to be above the chaos. This is what it looks like to be the head and not the tail, a thermostat and not a thermometer. I have given you the tools to overcome. I have equipped you to rise above. It takes discipline to limit what you listen to and watch. It takes discipline to choose joy, hope, trust and love. But the reward is great. The reward is the power to overcome and the power to operate in strength, clarity and perfect peace in the storm. The storm is here. Have you been building these muscles? Start today. Ask Me to help you be extra sensitive about what you consume and what you allow your ears and eyes to receive. I will be faithful to train you, so that you build the discipline and the strength to overcome, to rise above and to stay focused on Me in the midst of the storm. These are essential disciplines for a warrior. I have called you to be a warrior.

Resurrection Power Is Here

The Lord says,
I will move in resurrection power in your life, in your heart, in your family and in this nation. Allow and encourage your heart to hope for breakthroughs that seem impossible. Nothing is impossible with Me. I Am moving with resurrection power to restore relationships, to heal hearts, to open understanding that has been sealed shut, to restore joy and to bring circumstances that seem dead back to life. Allow your hope to rise. Allow your eyes to look up. Call on and release My perfect peace over yourself and your household. I Am making a way where there is no way. I Am causing streams to break forth in the desert. I Am moving to do the impossible. Stay steadfast. Stay anchored in Me. Do not back up. Do not give in. Do not be moved. Change is coming. Change is here.

How to Respond

  • Declare that Jesus has the power to save. He can change the hearts and lives of the broken and lost, and He is moving to do that now.
  • Declare that the Lord is moving in resurrection power to change circumstances that seem dead, to change hearts that seem too far gone, to change relationships that seem over, to revive dreams that have long been forgotten.
  • Stay in hope. Be disciplined about what you listen to and watch.
  • Make declarations of victory, of change, of good things to come.
  • Worship the Lord and make worship be the sound that fills your home.
  • Ask Jesus to come and bring His resurrection life to your heart if you need it. (Here’s how: click here.)


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