Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 28
Isaiah 29
Isaiah 51
Isaiah 52
Here’s what the Lord God says: “Behold, I set in place in Zion a Foundation Stone, fully tested and proven to be faithful and secure. And written upon this precious cornerstone is this: ‘Those who trust in him will not act in haste.’ I will set justice as the true measurement and integrity as its plumb line. My hailstorm will sweep away your refuge of lies, and my floodwaters will overwhelm your hiding place. Then your covenant with death will be annulled and your pact with the underworld will not stand. And when the overwhelming scourge sweeps over you, it will sweep you away! As often as disaster passes by, it will carry you away; morning by morning, day after day, it will sweep you away!” When you fully understand this message, it will bring nothing but terror to you! Your bed is too short to stretch yourself out on, and your covering is too narrow to wrap yourself in. The Lord Yahweh will suddenly arise as on Mount Perazim and in the valley of Gibeon. He arises to accomplish his strange work—peculiar as it is— his strange work of judgment.
Isaiah 28:16-21 TPT
I heard the Spirit of the Living God say,
I’m releasing My judgement. Judgement has been in store, and now it is emerging. My judgement is a beautiful, glorious and fearsome, dreadful thing. My judgement releases My wrath. It precedes My wrath that has been stored up for the wicked. Their evil works have been growing, and the interest of My judgement has been compounding alongside it. Nothing is done in secret from Me. What they thought they have done in darkness, what they have secreted away in dark and hidden places was never hidden from Me. And now it will be brought squarely, obtrusively, finally into the light.
Woe to you who think you can hide your plan from the Lord Yahweh. Ha! Do you actually think your secret schemes are so hidden that you say, ‘Who sees us doing this? No one knows what we’re doing!’ Oh, how great is your perversion! Who is more intelligent—the potter or the clay? Should a created thing say to its creator, ‘You didn’t make me’? Should a clay pot say to the potter, ‘You don’t understand’?” Before you know it, Lebanon will be transformed into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field will seem like a forest. In that day the deaf will begin to hear the words that have been written, and out of the darkness and gloom, the eyes of the blind will be opened to see. The meek will overflow with fresh joy in the Lord Yahweh, and the poor will shout their praises to the Holy One of Israel! For the terrible one will be no more, the scornful jester will not be found, and all the lovers of evil will be cut off. Those who make the innocent appear guilty, those who ensnare others with deceitful tactics, and those who lie to keep the innocent from getting justice will likewise be destroyed.
Isaiah 29:15-21 TPT
Judgement has been reserved for the wicked, and now the time has come for My wrath to be poured out like one of their boiling cauldrons. It is a great grace to the innocent. It is a great response to the intercessors. It is a mercy to the victims. My wrath comes, because My mercy overflows. My wrath comes to rescue My sheep from further harm. My wrath comes because My character demands it, and it will be a great cleansing agent. It will begin the cleansing of a nation.
Your children have fainted and lie fallen in the streets, like a gazelle caught in a net. Yahweh’s anger, the rebuke of your God, has overwhelmed them. So listen, you who are weak and wounded, who are intoxicated not with wine but with God’s anger. This is what your sovereign ruler, Lord Yahweh, your God, the Mighty Defender of his people, says: “Look! I have removed from your hand the intoxicating cup that made you stagger. You will no longer drink from the bowl of my anger. Instead, I will put that bowl in the hands of your tormentors who said to you, ‘Lie down so we can walk all over you!’ For your back became like the ground they trample on, like a street for them to walk on.”
Isaiah 51:20-23 TPT
My grace is here in superabundance. My grace is being poured out generously. All you have to do is step onto it, and you will see that the advancement I have for you in this time of My wrath and judgement takes you far beyond this momentary scene. Advancement is here for the righteous. Even as the portion of the wicked is arrest.
Burst into joyous songs, you rubble of Jerusalem! For Yahweh has graciously comforted his people; he has become the Kinsman-Redeemer of Jerusalem! Yahweh has unveiled his holy arm before the eyes of all the nations. To the ends of the earth, everyone everywhere will see the salvation of our God!
Isaiah 52:9-10 TPT
The progression of evil will be greatly stunted and impeded by My interdiction — by My rising in judgement and pouring out wrath. And you will advance swiftly in My grace far from here. It will be the role and the duty of the faithful to set up a bulwark, to establish strongholds to prevent the encroachment of evil into this new place, into this new time, into this cleansed land. This is the harvest of two harvests. It begins now. It is not coming. It is here.
How to Respond
- Pray, Lord thank You for Your judgement and wrath that is beginning to pour out in response to the cries of the innocent, the victims and the intercessors. It is Your judgement that makes things right in the Earth. I pray that any who are caught up in wickedness that can still turn to You will turn to You and change their ways. Bring Your great justice, and restore righteousness as the measuring line as Your character demands. Thank You for hearing us and for Your abundant mercy and grace.
- Declare, The corruption that was in us from birth was expressed through the deeds and desires of our self-life. We lived by whatever natural cravings and thoughts our minds dictated, living as rebellious children subject to God’s wrath like everyone else. But God still loved us with such great love. He is so rich in compassion and mercy. Even when we were dead and doomed in our many sins, he united us into the very life of Christ and saved us by his wonderful grace! He raised us up with Christ the exalted One, and we ascended with him into the glorious perfection and authority of the heavenly realm, for we are now co-seated as one with Christ! — Ephesians 2:3-6 TPT
- Decree, the time of the Lord’s judgement and wrath on the wicked has come. The time of two harvests has come — one for the wicked and one for the righteous. I will see justice and recompense released in great measure — in ways I could have never fathomed.
- Sing, our God is an awesome God. He reigns from Heaven above with wisdom, power and love. Our God is an awesome God.
For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past: