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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 20-21
Isaiah 14:1-22
John 15

4 May Yahweh give you every desire of your heart

and carry out your every plan as you go to battle.

5 When you succeed, we will celebrate and shout for joy.

Flags will fly when victory is yours!

Yes, God will answer your prayers, and we will praise him!

Psalm 20:4-5

Healing the Land

The Lord says,
I Am healing the land.

If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I have heard these prayers and continue to hear them rising to Me now.

I Am healing your land, and I will do many wonder working miracles to heal the land. You look and you see death, destruction, division. But I will send My plow right through all of it, and these evils will be pulverized and bulldozed from the scene. I Am clearing the land of all of these things, of the lies, the hate and the political and religious spirits that have occupied for so long. As all of these are cleared, the land will have great relief. The people will have great relief. Both will be healed.

Choose peace. Choose to continue to do what is right. Choose the right way. Choose My ways. Keep praying. Keep declaring. The breakthrough of My wonder working power to remove all of this rancor and bitterness from the scene is near.

The Valley of Vision

The Lord says,
I Am smiling. I Am shining on the Earth. I Am causing hope and joy to rise in people’s hearts, and the only explanation they have is that it is from Me. Circumstance does not lend itself to this supernatural joy that I Am imparting.

I have many people in the valley of vision right now. It is a valley. It is a bottom. Despair could be here. An end could be here. But instead, this is the hidden place where I Am sharing visions for the future. I Am imparting great vision, creativity, innovation and dreams for the future in this valley.

This is not only the valley where the vision comes, but it is the valley where My breakthrough will come. And My mighty warriors, My Church will arise as a strong impenetrable force from this valley. They are the sleeping giant. They are not sleeping, but it looks that way to the enemy. Because he has you in the valley, he thinks that he has won. But I can use that valley to accomplish My purposes and to bring vision, breakthrough and surprise force that defeats the work of the enemy in a very short moment.

Do the work I have called you to in the valley. Ask Me for My vision, for fresh vision, and I will impart it. These are great days of positioning.

How to Respond

  • Walk in joy. Ask for fresh impartations of joy daily.
  • Spend time in worship and in the Word. You will renew your mind and your strength.
  • Trust the Lord.
  • Ask Him for every need that arises and watch Him come through.
  • If you feel like you are in a dark valley, ask the Lord for His light and His vision for the future. He is ready to give these to you.


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