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Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 29
Isaiah 62
Psalm 125

Before you know it, Lebanon will be transformed into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field will seem like a forest. In that day the deaf will begin to hear the words that have been written, and out of the darkness and gloom, the eyes of the blind will be opened to see. The meek will overflow with fresh joy in the Lord Yahweh, and the poor will shout their praises to the Holy One of Israel! For the terrible one will be no more, the scornful jester will not be found, and all the lovers of evil will be cut off. Those who make the innocent appear guilty, those who ensnare others with deceitful tactics, and those who lie to keep the innocent from getting justice will likewise be destroyed.

Isaiah‬ ‭29‬:‭17‬-‭21‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Living God says,
Evil is running into a dead end. They have hit the wall. Now they are trapped as in a back alley behind a dumpster of their own making, and they have nowhere else to go. The stench is intolerable, but still they will be hemmed in. There’s no escape for the wicked. There’s no alternative route for those in league with demons. They are being permanently sealed in the place of their trapping and exposure. I have lured them down a route of no escape, and history will seal them up forever in this place, in this moment. Their removal from the scene, their being sealed off from the action will bring a lightness to the atmosphere, will bring a freedom to the air that had been constrained and lacking.

For Zion’s sake, how can I keep silent? For Jerusalem’s sake, how can I remain quiet? I will keep interceding until her righteousness breaks forth like the blazing light of dawn and her salvation like a burning torch! Nations will see your victory-vindication, and every king will witness your blinding radiance! You will be called by a brand-new name, given to you from the mouth of Yahweh himself. You will be a beautiful crown held high in the hand of Yahweh, a royal crown of splendor held in the open palm of your God! You will never again be called the Abandoned One, nor will your land be called Deserted. But you will be called My Delight Is in You, and your land My Beloved Wife, for Yahweh finds his delight in you and he married your land.

Isaiah‬ ‭62‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭TPT‬‬

My peace will burn like a torch, and My freedom like a flame that cannot be quenched, cannot be snuffed out. Wickedness is a terminal illness, and it will shrivel up and be rendered inert. Your job, the faithful Eklessia’s job is to watch and be vigilant to not let it raise its ugly head again. Tolerance of wickedness is tantamount to wickedness, because of the destructive nature of evil. Be holy and make the plumb line holiness. Be pure, and make the measuring line for your family and those in offices of service pure.

Those who trust in the Lord are as unshakable, as unmovable as mighty Mount Zion! Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord’s wraparound presence surrounds his people, protecting them now and forever. The wicked will not always rule over the godly, provoking them to do what is evil. God, let your goodness be given away to your good people, to all your righteous ones! But those who turn away from truth— them you will turn away from you, to follow their crooked ways. You will give them just what they deserve. May Israel experience peace and prosperity!

Psalms‬ ‭125‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The prowling lion will be routed and taken down by the Lion of the Tribe of Judah in your day. Play your part. Hold your line. Don’t move from the station of your assignment. Alsan is on the move. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is on the move. Your job is to hold the line.

How to Respond

  • Hold your position. Live in a level of humility that creates room for you to continually purify yourself before the Lord.
  • Pray, Lord thank You that You are moving on our behalf. Thank You that You are luring the wicked into a dead end from which there is no escape. Help me to hold the line in the work You’ve called me to do. Strengthen and embolden those who are in positions to hold the wicked accountable and bring justice to the people. Let Your righteousness and justice flood the Earth.
  • Declare, Guilty criminals experience paranoia even though no one threatens them. But the innocent lovers of God, because of righteousness, will have the boldness of a young, ferocious lion!
  • Decree, I will hold the position that the Lord has given me to hold. I will walk in holiness. The Lord is luring the wicked into a dead end from which there is no escape. They will be trapped there for all of history along with the piles of disgusting trash that they have made. There is no escape for the wicked. I will be a spectator as the wicked perish in judgement, for they will be paid back for what they’ve done. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah reigns victorious, and we will see as He routs the prowling lion in our day.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: We Are Entering Days of Full-Scale Justice
2022: Make Your Righteous Decrees
2021: The Lord’s Triumphant Turnaround


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