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Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 43-44
Psalm 45

18 “Do not call to mind the former things,
Or ponder things of the past.
19 “Behold, I will do something new,
Now it will spring forth;
Will you not be aware of it?
I will even make a roadway in the wilderness,
Rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:18-19 NASB 1995

The Spirit of the Living God says,
I Am extending My grace to you. I Am extending grace for this season, for this moment. Things are changing. Complete shifts and new directions are upon you. Don’t chase rabbit trails. Be on the narrow path I have marked out for you. Stay right where you can follow closely in My footsteps and hear the sound of even My whispers. I’m not a yeller. I do most of My work in whispers.

“Now listen, daughter, pay attention, and forget about your past. Put behind you every attachment to the familiar, even those who once were close to you! For your royal Bridegroom is ravished by your beautiful brightness. Bow in reverence before him, for he is your Lord!”

Psalms‬ ‭45:10-11‬ ‭TPT‬‬

This is a time of transition for many. This is a time to pick up new mantles, to receive new mantles and to have new mantles placed around your shoulders. This is a season of authority and grace being imparted. This is a season of commissioning for new assignments. This is a nothing will stay the same period. This is a departure from the place you have settled, the place you have known and grown. This is a departure from that, because I have something new for you. I Am growing something new inside of you. It will sprout out and be visible to all who see you that something new has been growing inside of you.

24 Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb,
“I, the Lord, am the maker of all things,
Stretching out the heavens by Myself
And spreading out the earth [af]all alone,
25 Causing the [ag]omens of boasters to fail,
[ah]Making fools out of diviners,
Causing wise men to draw back
And [ai]turning their knowledge into foolishness,
26 Confirming the word of His servant
And [aj]performing the purpose of His messengers.
It is I who says of Jerusalem, ‘She shall be inhabited!’
And of the cities of Judah, ‘They shall be built.’
And I will raise up her ruins again.

Isaiah 44:24-26 NASB 1995

Stop looking for a new normal. Normal days are gone. So-called normalcy is gone. Truth is coming in. Truth is here, and truth is coming in — weighty, firm and solid truth is coming in. What is being designed, built and established in this time is a new construct on the glorious blood stained ancient foundation. This is an establishment atop dreams I placed in the hearts of men and women who diligently sought Me for answers. Look no further. The days of building are here. The days of new designs, new constructs, new models and new ways of operating are here. The old is gone. The normal is gone. The conventional is irrelevant. Build with Me. Let’s build what I have placed in your heart, and what I Am incubating in your heart that you are not even aware of yet. Let go of the past. Let go of normal. Let go of settling. This is a time of change — of shifts, of new mantles, new authority and new perspectives. It is a building season.

How to Respond

  • Ask the Lord to open your eyes to what He is opening up for you in this season.
  • Pray, Lord, help me to walk closely in Your footsteps, so I can hear even Your whispers. Help me to open my heart and my life, my routine and my normal to change. Help me to say yes to the new mantles and commissioning that You are sending my way. I want to build with You.
  • Declare, the Lord has brought us into a season of building, repositioning, and the impartation of new mantles, new authority and new assignments through His commissioning. He is giving us new perspectives and new ways of operating.
  • Decree, I will step into the change and the new assignments, the new ways of operating that the Lord is calling me to step into. I will hold very loosely to normal, so I can let go when the Lord repositions me for new work in this season of building.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in 2022: Dance in the Rain of the Lord’s Blessing

And in 2021: Watch for the Rain of Refreshing


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