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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 18
Colossians 3:12-17
Isaiah 11-12

I love you, Yahweh, and I’m bonded to you,
my strength!
2 Yahweh, you’re the bedrock beneath my feet,
my faith-fortress, my wonderful deliverer,
my God, my rock of rescue where none can reach me.
You’re the shield around me,
the mighty power that saves me,
and my high place.

Psalm 18:1-2

Watch the God of the Comeback

The Lord says,
This is a resurrection season. This is a victory season. It looks like defeat is all around. It looks like the enemy has won, that good has been trampled at every level and in every direction that you look. But this is My miraculous resurrection and victory season! Get your hopes up. Allow joy and expectation to rise in your heart. Work with a song of thanksgiving on your lips. Don’t forget the rock from which you were hewn, the Lord, Your God, Your Maker – Me. I love you, and I Am caring for you and tending to your needs as a dearly loved child. Don’t give up. Don’t allow despair an entry. Don’t allow defeat to come near.

Watch My resurrection power and My mighty victory. I Am the God of the comeback. I Am the God of the impossible. I Am the God of angel armies who war and fight on your behalf. Get your hopes up. Keep singing, keep worshipping. Do it despite circumstances. Do it despite what your eyes see. My miracle working power has not weakened. It is here and it ready to explode with new change – for your good, for the good of those who love Me, and for the good of those who need to see My goodness. Because I Am good.

I Am bringing unexpected visitors and phone calls. I Am bringing you to the minds of many who have it in their power to bless you. This is a season of changing directions, changing in callings, changing in habits, changing in routines.

I Am breathing a new life into you. I Am stirring up new ways of thinking, new ways of operating and fresh creativity for life. Allow the zest of My Spirit to fill you. Don’t push back on the new. Don’t push back on the ideas. Don’t claw back toward the way things were and the former things. This is a season of change, because I Am bringing what is new.

My joy is with you. My favor goes before you and encamps around you. Allow this upheaval to birth blessing after blessing, and watch at all of the new that I bring.

Keep working. Keep walking. One step and then the next. My change will meet you. You won’t need to go looking for it, and even if you could you don’t have the time. This is a season of diligence in the work you have put your hands to. Just remain open to the change I bring, new people I bring, the unexpected doors that open and the surprising new life I breathe into you with this change. Stay flexible, stay open. Keep working.

Remain in the Lord

The Lord says,
I Am speeding things up. The pace of events and change is quickening to a dizzying pace. It may look like things are spinning out of control, but they are very much controlled. I have the whole world in My Hands.

Live in My light regardless of what you see, regardless of what you hear. Remain in My light. Remain in Me. Choose Me despite circumstances, despite feelings, despite pain. I Am the lifter of your head and the filler of your heart.

I will not let this season end for you in death. So hold on. Cling tightly to Me, to My Word, to your family, to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Because against all odds, I Am bringing you to a resurrection season, a season of great victory filled with amazement and wonder.

The resurrection season I Am bringing you to will supercharge your heart and fill you with the faith that brings the operational power of many miracles. My turnarounds will inject you with so much faith and belief, that it will catalyze and fuel many miracles for those I bring in your path. The world has never experienced a time like this. It has never seen a season of the kind of wonder working life giving power that I Am about to bring. So stay in faith. Cling to Me. I Am moving.

How to Respond

  • Run with all endurance the race set before you. The Lord has given you everything you need. So don’t quit, don’t grow weary of doing good. Don’t sit down or bow out. Lean into the Lord and He will help you through it.
  • Choose love.
  • Give grace to others in this season that’s so difficult for many, even as the Lord has given many graces to you.
  • Be at peace with everyone – insofar as it is within your ability to do so.
  • Trust in the Lord.
  • Sing, worship and declare His goodness and faithfulness – despite what you see and feel.
  • Declare that the Lord is moving us to a resurrection season filled with many victories.


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