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Today’s Reading:
Psalm 24
Isaiah 2

“God claims the world as his. Everything and everyone belong to him! He’s the one who pushed back oceans to let the dry ground appear, planting firm foundations for the earth. Who, then, is allowed to ascend the mountain of the Lord? And who has the privilege of entering into God’s Holy Place? Those who are clean—whose works and ways are pure, whose hearts are true and sealed by the truth, those who never deceive, whose words are sure. They will receive the Lord’s blessing and righteousness given by the Savior-God. They will stand before God, for they seek the pleasure of God’s face, the God of Jacob. Pause in his presence”

Psalms‬ ‭24:1-6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Lord says,
I have high prospects for having many who see from My perspective, who come and look out from this prospect, from My vantage point and can see the world from My perspective, can see from up higher. It’s time for up higher thinking and up higher viewing. It’s time for up higher planning and up higher doing. My prospect is great. It is high above the atmosphere of warring. It is up higher. Up here the air is clear, and you can see clearly, distinctly, precisely. You can understand with extraordinary pinpoint accuracy. My prospect is your prospect. I offer an open invitation for you to see things from up here, from up high, from on high. What a place from which to see and give and receive marching orders. This is the place where no experiments are necessary. The instructions work right the first time.

2 The word which Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
Now it will come about that
In the last days
The mountain of the house of the Lord
Will be established as the chief of the mountains,
And will be raised above the hills;
And all the nations will stream to it.
3 And many peoples will come and say,
“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
To the house of the God of Jacob;
That He may teach us concerning His ways
And that we may walk in His paths.”
For the law will go forth from Zion
And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

Isaiah 2:1-3

The only experiment is hearing. You must practice your hearing to get the faithful and accurate instruction. But the instruction, once received and deployed will work on the first try every time. When I say strike, strike with force, with vigor and passion. When I say strike, you hit the target. Don’t play around with warning shots or watering down the Word. This is a time of tactical warfare. This is a time of extraordinary precision warfare that has not been seen in many ages. I Am calling up My hidden warriors to the prospect, to My vantage point, to the mountain of My understanding. Come here and receive. Come here and see and perceive; and return to your stations with knowledge, with power and with perfect instruction.

Yours is to ascend the hill of the Lord. Yours is to sit on the rocky outlook and observe, absorb, and perceive things from My perspective. This is the place to receive deep revelation and understanding. And this is the place from which I will send you back to your stations with tactical instructions which hold the promise to work completely, fully the first time. So be My precision warrior. Be one who carries the accuracy of My Word in your heart, who leads with the shield of faith and strikes when and how and exactly — precisely as I say to strike.

5 Come, house of Jacob, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.

Isaiah 2:5

This is the great spirit war. These are the battles told of long ago. You are My spirit warriors, My precision army. Pack up your bags and be prepared to go. Be at the ready. Stay in the place of communion and worship. Know that yours is a standing invitation to come up higher, to ascend the hill of the Lord, to be filled, to be fueled, to receive clarity and understanding from on high, and to grasp in your hand the instruction for precision strikes. This is the time that kings go out to war. I have provided everything you need. Yours is to ascend the hill of the Lord, to receive and to obey.

How to Respond

  • Meditate on Psalm 24. Continually set yourself openly before the Lord. Allow Him to show you any places of impurity that need to be washed clean or set aside before Him.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit come. Guide me. Lead me to this up higher place, this mountain of Your understanding, so I can see things from Your perspective, so I can receive wisdom, clarity and understanding, and so I can receive very precise instruction for how to strike at the enemy in this spiritual battle. Help me to hear Your voice. Help me to follow the instructions You give faithfully and with power.
  • Declare, this is the time that kings go out to war.
  • Decree, the Lord is giving me the wisdom, understanding and equipping for the spiritual war of the ages. I accept the Lord’s open invitation to ascend the mountain of His understanding and to receive instruction that works the first time, every time. I will move in power, with precision and in total obedience to His instruction.

Ascend – Red Rocks Worship

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in 2022: Freedom Is Being Loosed

And in 2021: Do Not Grow Weary of Doing What Is Right


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