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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 5
John 14
John 8:31-51
Isaiah 54:4-17

But let them all be glad, those who turn aside to hide themselves in you. May they keep shouting for joy forever! Overshadow them in your presence as they sing and rejoice. Then every lover of your name will burst forth with endless joy. Lord, how wonderfully you bless the righteous. Your favor wraps around each one and covers them under your canopy of kindness and joy.

Psalm 5:11-12

The Pleasure of Truth

The Lord says,
Seeds of truth in hearts are blooming. And messages of truth, some important messages of truth are hitting the airwaves. My pleasure is in the truth. I Am truth. I (Jesus) Am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father but by Me. I Am the way to the Father and the way to life eternal. I Am the truth. And the truth pleases Me. Admission of truth, exposure of truth, reports of truth please Me. And they work to accomplish My ends.

The Truth is Marching On

The Lord says,
What you are seeing come out as truth, these are the small truth bombs I have been talking about. The truth coming out in the public arena, in the news – these seemingly small, seemingly too little, too late truths are the small bombs of truth that are awakening people, are sensitizing people to the truth again. These smaller truth bombs are still important. These smaller truth bombs are marching toward the goal. They are leading up to the massive truth bomb. And it is inevitable. Watch, as you see a great acceleration of truth emerge in the news. It will confuse those who know the truth already – to see truth in places that have only spoken lies for so long. And it will confuse those who believed the lies were truth, because this hits them differently. It prickles. It causes dissonance in the spirits that are so accustomed to the lies. This is a season where the truth is disorienting for all – those who have been desiring it, seeking it and knowing it – and those who have never heard it, hid from it and ignored it. The truth coming out causes a bit of chaos and confusion for a moment…until things normalize, and then more truth will come out. This is the cadence, and it is only speeding up and speeding toward the massive bomb of truth that I will drop.

Uprooting Lies & Healing Hearts

The Lord says,
I Am healing hearts, and right now that looks like the uprooting of lies and bad belief systems. I Am extracting lies form the hearts of many, and I Am making the soil of these hearts good and ready to receive truth, to receive healing, to receive an unexpected download of My goodness, My kindness, My love and My mercy. The removal of lies and and restoration of the soil in hearts for the receiving of Good News, of the Gospel, of all kinds of truth will cause people to seem very different. It will cause them to have very different responses than they typically would. It will cause them to have a new level of openness and a new level of humility. A meeting with Me, an encounter with Me, a new revelation of Me changes everything. And this is what I Am doing in the hearts that have been polluted and filled with the toxic waste of lies. It’s a beautiful time of uprooting lies and making the soil of hearts ready.

A Greater Awareness of His Presence

The Lord says,
I Am making My Presence more recognizable to those who already know Me. I Am making Myself more apparent, more tangible, more perceivable, and they will feel the difference. They will carry themselves so differently, because they will have the confidence that comes with Me, with knowing Me. This realization and awareness of My Presence brings great comfort, because you know that your not alone — that I Am with you, I have your back, and we are making decisions together. You can walk with confidence and assurance in all situations when you have an awareness of My Presence. It’s not good to be alone; but I Am here, so you are never alone. The greater your awareness of My Presence, the more powerful and empowered you feel, you walk, you behave. And the outcomes of your actions are very different when you pursue them with confidence gained from My Presence. The outcomes of your effort, your work, your interactions are about to be greatly enhanced. I have talked about a time of getting more return for your effort. This is what makes it possible – Me. My Presence brings the power and the catalytic energy to give you greater confidence and energy, and a greater return for your effort. This is what I Am doing for believers in this hour.

How to Respond

  • Watch for the truth bombs to be delivered. This has already started, and the truth bombs will be gaining in frequency and number.
  • Declare that the Lord Jesus, the Source of all truth, reigns in America and in the world – and in the tiny innermost parts of your life as well.
  • Prophesy that the Lord is indeed uprooting lies that have deep deep roots in hearts. He is making a way for the truth to be received in hearts that seemed very unreachable. He is uprooting lingering lies in our hearts as well. Give Him permission to highlight those and take them out for good.
  • Ask the Lord for a greater measure and a greater awareness of His Presence. Ask Him to empower you, to fill you with the energy of His light and life-breath, His Spirit, so that you can make great advances in the work you set your hands to.


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