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Today’s Readings:
Isaiah 26
Psalm 9
John 16

33 And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is in me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in me. For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous, for I have conquered the world!”

John 16:33

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

The Lord says,
The battle belongs to Me. You have your place in the fight — in prayer, in action, in using your voice. But the battle is Mine. Let this truth relieve some pressure. Let this truth give you some room to breathe. You are certainly to participate. You know I have called you into the battle. But I own the outcome. Keep fighting. Keep singing. Keep declaring. Keep praying. Keep resisting the enemy, and stand confidently in the knowledge that I will bring the victory.

Fight from victory. Fight from that higher place that I have called you to, where My perfect peace is. Don’t get overwhelmed or overrun. Don’t allow despair or fear entry into your heart. Rise up. Come up to that higher place, and operate from victory in the power and the refuge of My perfect peace.

Just like Peter, when he stepped out of the boat, you have acted in bravery and obedience; but you are getting more concerned with the waves and the noise than you are with trusting that I can deliver and that right now I Am providing a way where there was no way. Keep your eyes on Me. Tune out the chaos, the noise, the news, and step into the battle (out of the boat) with your eyes locked on Mine. Oh what a difference it makes — in your heart, in your body, in your ability to sleep, and your perspective on the future. Eyes on Me.

3 Perfect, absolute peace surrounds those
whose imaginations are consumed with you;
they confidently trust in you.
4 Yes, trust in the Lord Yahweh forever and ever!
For Yah, the Lord God, is your Rock of Ages!

Isaiah 26:3-4

Train the muscles of your eyes to remain focused on Me. Train your ears to block out the noise and confusion, and be attuned to My voice. Walk with confidence, because I hold the future, and because the battle belongs to Me. I Am the Victorious One, since eternity past and forevermore. Whom or what shall you fear?

The Oil of Truth

The Lord says,
I Am anointing people’s minds with the oil of truth. The Spirit of Truth is hovering and the oil of His truth is enlightening minds to see the truth, to spot the truth, to discern the truth. The oil of truth is giving many the ability to push to the side the lies, the manipulation, the false data and the distractions. The oil of truth is providing light to their minds and is also like a homing beacon, like a magnet that pulls them to the truth. This is how many will see and have a revelation of the truth.
This is how much truth will get discovered and uncovered from under the piles and piles of coverup and lies and data manipulation.

I have set the ability to see and find truth in the minds of many. And as they seek it, they will find it. It will be hidden no longer. It will be covered up no longer. The truth will sit like a bold bright pillar, undeniable in the midst of the battle, the confusion, the disarray. There will be so much of this truth that comes to light, that rises, that stands and is immovable from the public square. And the oil of truth that I put in to the minds of many will bear witness to the truth they see. Media, politicians, bureaucrats and the filthy lying elites will not be able to say or do anything to dissuade these ones who have been touched by the oil of truth, from the Spirit of Truth, who is the Holy Spirit Himself.

The Truth Contains the Victory

The Lord says,
Victory will come with the visibility and undeniability of these truths coming to stand and to expose. Victory will come as truth rises. Victory is in the truth.

I have written the truth in your hearts. I have given you the ability to discern, bear witness to, and search out the truth. This is a great time to be alive. The truth will win. I Am the Source of all Truth. Holy Spirit is indeed the Spirit of Truth, bearing witness to truth, exposing truth. And Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The truth is an indelible aspect of Our character. We are not a man that We should lie. We live and bear witness to only the truth. This is a mark of Our lovers. This is how you know who our trustworthy ones are. They are truth tellers and truth finders.

Watch how much truth is revealed in this hour. The blinding truth is coming to the surface. It is rising.

How to Respond

  • Come up higher. Come to the place where the perfect peace of the Lord is. Rise above the confusion, the chaos, the media; and fight from a place of perfect peace in the storm.
  • Fill your mind with the goodness of God, His faithfulness and His promises to you. Meditate on these things. He will not fail.
  • Worship, sing, dance.
  • Break out of the place of tension and chaos for a while, and find a way to relax and have fun. Give your body and mind a break from the stress of the world.
  • Ask the Lord to anoint your mind with the oil of truth. Ask Him to give you a greater ability to see, discern and seek out the truth.
  • Declare that the Spirit of Truth is hovering, is uncovering truth and causing great exposures of truth.
  • Declare that the Lord is the Victorious One. This battle belongs to the Lord, and He never fails. He never loses.
  • Declare that truth is rising in this hour, and that victory is in the truth.


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