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Today’s Readings:
Proverbs 4:10-27
John 3:17-21
Titus 2
Psalm 22:25-31
Isaiah 45

12 My beloved ones, just like you’ve always listened to everything I’ve taught you in the past, I’m asking you now to keep following my instructions as though I were right there with you. Now you must continue to make this new life fully manifested as you live in the holy awe of God—which brings you trembling into his presence. 13 God will continually revitalize you, implanting within you the passion to do what pleases him.14 Live a cheerful life, without complaining or division among yourselves. 15 For then you will be seen as innocent, faultless, and pure children of God, even though you live in the midst of a brutal and perverse culture. For you will appear among them as shining lights in the universe, 16 holding out the words of eternal life. I haven’t labored among you for nothing, for your lives are the fruit of my ministry and will be my glorious boast at the unveiling of Christ!

Philippians 2:12-16

The Lord is Empowering His People

The Lord says,
I’m filling My people. I’m filling them with hope, with joy, with passion and with purpose. We are walking into days where many new decisions and many major changes will need to happen. I Am filling My people up and empowering them to make these decisions to take major risks, to walk into the unknown, to leave past careers, cities, partnerships, relationships, and lifestyles behind. I Am causing a greater awareness of Me, of My Presence, of My wisdom, of My instruction, and of My voice. These who I Am priming for major changes, who I Am calling to walk into the new, the uncharted, the unknown, these I Am giving a greater ability to sense My Presence, to feel the Move of My Spirit and to hear My voice. They will have assurance in Me that the next step is right, that the move is a must do, and they will leave the nets of their former life behind to follow where I lead.

A Justice Movement

The Lord says,
This is a justice movement. People will make moves in response to injustice and to establish justice in the land. Many of the moves, the partnerships, the changes I Am calling for will be rooted in an extremely strong conviction about the role of justice.

Justice will be their purpose, their aim, their guide, their North Star; and justice will be established. Justice will be firmly planted as a stake in the ground, and it will spread to become the firm foundation for these new works, these new businesses, churches, ministries, schools and teachings, tv shows and political candidates. Many will be joined and stand together on this platform, the foundation of justice. They will join hands and be of one mind and one voice, declaring the new way forward, declaring the essentials, calling people back to the the very basic, foundational truths; and the heart of this movement will be justice.

I Am moving for justice — justice for the children, justice for the unborn, justice for the captives, the prisoners, the accused, the wronged and the nations. I Am moving for justice, and My justice will be served. I Am calling many out now to pursue justice, to declare justice and to establish new things built on the foundation of justice. I Am creating partnerships born of likemindedness regarding justice. And justice will once again mark this land. Justice will loom large over the land, and all will see it. It will tower over, protective and fierce, firm and unafraid. Justice is born of courage, and I will raise a mighty lion’s roar of justice in this land and in the nations of the world. The roar will be fearsome, and those who have done injustices, who have abused, who have done evil that caused the suffering of others, their hearts will melt within them, and some will drop dead upon hearing the cry for justice come against them. My justice is all seeing and thorough. It will not miss a single mark.

Justice Is A Door

The Lord says,
Justice is the door through which healing from trauma can come. Justice is an entry point to healing. It is an entry point to level-setting and re-establishing, reacknowleding what is right and what is wrong. Justice is a plumb line that that leaves no doubt about right and wrong. Justice draws a line and forces people to be clear in their understanding when they choose sides. True justice leaves no doubt in the hearts of those who see it about what is right and what is wrong. It cuts to the heart of a matter. The healing blade I use as the Good Physician will cut out the rot and the decay brought by injustice. I will sew back together what has been broken or severed, and I will apply My healing balm to your wounds. I will bring light and truth to the situation, to both the victim and to the wrongdoer. I Am moving in perfect justice. Those continuing to choose the side of wrong have much cause to fear.

Stealth Operators

The Lord says,
I Am bringing forth ninjas who can operate in stealth mode, who can understand and decipher many codes, and who can wield the truth like a weapon. These stealth ones will be able to sneak into places where they should not have access. They will be able to gain access to information and evidence that was thought unattainable. They will bring this truth — information and evidence — to the public square and cause great great lights to shine on it. These stealth operators will wield the truth of their findings like a decisive weapon. Their operations will be a sign of both aggression and a sign of defensive protection. This is an offensive and defensive move that will stop incoming, planned harm and it will beat back the ability to do or plan any new harm. I am calling many many thousands of these stealth warriors into force, into action, to their mission. And as the missions are complete, they will turn the lights on, and the world will see. It will be numerous small lights turning on and exposing the truth. But one massive gargantuan, whopper of a truth will be exposed in such a public way, that the world will sit in stunned silence for some time. And then chaos will erupt. Fear not, because My justice warriors are lined up next. Are you one?

The many justice warriors will not allow those behind the covering of this massive truth to escape justice. They will march forth in strength, confidence, and determination to see justice served, and I will be with them. I will carry out justice alongside them — sometimes before them, sometimes after them. But My justice will be served too. Watch.

The drumbeat is quickening, the pace is quickening, and bright lights will be put on the massive truth soon.

How to Respond

  • Prepare your heart for some vey hard truths to be revealed.
  • Ask the Lord what He is calling you to in this next season. Also ask Him what He’s calling you away from or to leave behind.
  • Ask the Lord how you can be part of establishing justice in the land.
  • Worship the Lord and declare that He is good, He is just, and He has the final say.
  • Pray for those who I have called into stealth mode, for their protection and that of their families. Pray that their boldness and courage will be sustained through the delivery and successful conclusion of the mission that I have called them to.


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