Today’s Reading:
Psalm 64
Can’t you hear their slander, their lies? Their words are like poison-tipped arrows shot from the shadows. They are unafraid and have no fear of consequences. They persist with their evil plans and plot together to hide their traps. They boast, “No one can see us or stop us!” They search out opportunities to pervert justice as they plan the “perfect crime.” How unsearchable is their endless evil! They try desperately to hide the deep darkness of their hearts.
Psalms 64:3-6 TPT
I heard the Spirit of the Living God say,
The game of cat and mouse will give way. You’re seeing a big game of cat and mouse play out, but it will give way to both victory and defeat. The lion king has many hidden traps set for the rats. And you will watch in quick and sudden succession as they run one by one into the traps that have been planted and awaiting them. This is a patient lion who has been playing the long game. The long game is where the game is won or lost.
But all the while God has his own fire-tipped arrows! Suddenly, without warning, they will be pierced and struck down. Staggering backward, they will be destroyed by the very ones they spoke against. All who see this will view them with scorn.
Psalms 64:7-8 TPT
Don’t get weary of the long game, because soon enough it gets you to the place where you can sink the putt. Triumph is here, and triumph is near. You will see compound victories that seem sudden but were the result of the long game being played well, being played diligently and not being taken for granted. The rats will run right into the traps. They believe they are operating freely. They have had no idea they have been completely surrounded. They are now beginning to perceive that the walls are closing in on them, and the agency they have remaining will drive them directly into the open mouth, the ready waiting mouth of a decisive, final trap.
Then all will stand awestruck over what God has done, seeing how he vindicated the victims of these crimes. The lovers of God will be glad, rejoicing in the Lord. They will be found in his glorious wraparound presence, singing songs of praise to God!
Psalms 64:9-10 TPT
Truth is triumphing now, and truth will reign in victory. Truth has been present and has been part of the long game. It has been available to all willing to look beneath the surface. It has been accessible to all who had eyes that desired to see beyond the lies. Truth is rising in victory now, and truth will be the defeat of many. For those who love truth, these are days that will bring many shouts of victory.
How to Respond
- Don’t grow weary of doing good, of living in truth, or of being aligned with the truth.
- Pray, Holy Spirit thank You that You are the God of the long game. You are the ultimate long game player, and You will have every victory. Thank You for championing truth, for being truth and for causing truth to rise in victory as the rats who have perpetuated the veil of deceit over the nations are now being surrounded and forced into traps that have long been set and awaiting them.
- Declare, you will be a spectator as the wicked perish in judgement, for they will be paid back for what they’ve done. — Psalm 91:8
- Decree, I will keep my heart, mouth and hands pure. I will be one who lives according to the truth, and I will see that the Lord and those with Him have the wisdom and ability to cause truth to arise in victory and to cause every determined rat to run into a trap of defeat. Truth will reign in victory.
For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past: