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Today's Readings: 
Ephesians 1
Hebrews 1:1-3
Hebrews 11:8-16
Psalm 48
Isaiah 54

I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling — that is, the wealth of God’s glorious inheritances that he finds in us, his holy ones!

Ephesians 1:16

The Future of Family

The Lord says,
I am thinking about how the family of the future will dwell and operate in unity. Oneness will be a mark of the family of the future. They will be moved by My Spirit and live in joy and communion together. There will be a service aspect to it – serving one another in love and sacrifice, and serving others together with the same spirit.

I Am bringing forth a day, I Am bringing us forward to a new day of wholesomeness and family unity, of safety and the restoration of pure living. Neighborhoods will be safe. Homes will be safe. Schools will be safe, and they will teach honest, pure truth. They will teach about me, about morals, about true history, about true science. They will raise up young people to become men and women of strength, self-discipline and character, with strong backbones and eyes focused on Me and a vision for their future.

I Am restoring the family. And in restoring the family, I will restore the community, the mountains of society, and the world.

It will be a sweet, wholesome and patriotic time. People will love each other, themselves, God and country. It will be a very sweet time to be alive. It will be a time when anything is possible for those who believe in Christ Jesus. And many will believe. More will believe than don’t believe, and more will believe than ever have believed at one time in history. The world will look very different. You will see it happen. You will see the transformation. You and your family will experience it, will be touched by it. And your family will touch others because of the life and light imparted to you. My grace is thick, and it is able to cover all, to touch all, to impact all. I Am the God of more than enough. My grace and mercy never run out. There is more than enough to go around. All you have to do is step into it. Ask for it. Seek it and you shall find it.

A Unified Church

The Lord says,
This is a time where believers are cross-pollinating. Where streams of truth, different sects of Christianity are experiencing a great cross-pollination. This has been made possible by the extreme pressure that the Church has been under for the last year. This has been made possible by the insanity and complete and blatant immorality that is ruling the country, the states, the local levels and even the schools.

The churches are coming together in unity, in a great cross-pollination, and I am weaving them together in a beautiful strengthening united oneness. I Am weaving their hearts and minds together. The matters of great importance are the ones in which they have found unity, sameness, single-mindedness, alignment of purpose and heart. The other pieces, the differences in semantics and particulars in auxiliary beliefs are swept away as minor differences, not worthy of debate within the family. These things will get sorted out over time, and there will be a great alignment and a great ability to put love and oneness first, and to even agree to disagree about the the lesser points.

I Am raising up My Church in unity and oneness, and in this unity, I will bring to the Church a strength that has not been seen in any of your lifetimes. It has not been seen in this level of purity and strength before on the Earth. My Church is emerging as one, even as We are One.

And the people will know and will say that I did it, says the Lord. I can, and I do use all of satan’s evil schemes to accomplish My purposes in ways he cannot see or perceive or understand. All of the chaos, the strife, the immorality, the clamor in the Earth and in your country right now – I did not cause it, certainly not. But I can, and I Am exploiting it for My purposes of good, to lead us to a a beautiful outcome. Because I Am holy, I Am all knowing, and My purposes and My will and My plans will not be thwarted. Watch and see as I cause this all to shift, all of the evil to unwind, and cause the truth to sit at the center on full undeniable display for all to see. Watch as I do these things and usher in a new and glorious reality, a new and glorious day, a new and glorious Church, a new and glorious family, and a new and glorious future. I Am that good. And I Am doing it.

In those days peace will flow like a river. And it will overrun, it will lap over its banks. These days of My Glorious Presence, of My Glory will be marked by a great peace, a great unity, and great advances in the Earth.

How to Respond

  • Declare the day of the Lord’s restoration of family, community, country and world.
  • Declare the transformation of schools, education and the character of young people.
  • Sit in His Presence and share your heart, your hopes for the future.
  • Tell the Lord what You are thankful that He has accomplished in your life.
  • Declare that the Church continues to be knit together – across denominations and streams. Declare that unity and strength in the Church arise during this time.


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