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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 110-112
Isaiah 45

8 “Shower down righteousness, O heavens above.
Let the clouds drip with deliverance!
Let earth’s womb open and bear salvation’s fruit,
with righteousness rising up beside it!
I, Yahweh, have created all of them!

Isaiah 45:8

The Lord says,
I Am bringing the blissful rain of refreshing. It is coming in on a wind from the East, and it will touch many and refresh many. I Am healing and strengthening spines that have been bent over. They are being empowered for use. They are being straightened and reinforced with iron. These are the spines of not-yet warriors and faltering warriors who will be fortified to stand. They will stand guard of freedom and truth. They will occupy and expand their territory. They will multiply their ranks, and the boundaries of their territory will expand accordingly.

7 He will not fear bad news;
His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
8 His heart is firm, he will not fear,
But will look with satisfaction on his enemies.

Psalm 112:7-8

I Am causing those whose hearts are fluttering with fear to be emboldened as if with fire in their eyes and with strong squared back shoulders. They will no longer tremble. Now they will stare down the enemy in defiance, in rebuke, with great disdain, daring him to try to move one more muscle, to try to inch one bit closer. They will freeze the enemy with their fiery gaze, and at their commands he and his hoardes will flee the scene.

5 He satisfies all who love and trust him,
and he keeps every promise he makes.
6 He reveals mighty power and marvels to his people
by handing them nations as a gift.

Psalm 111:5-6

My Presence is flowing and tangible among you. Drink deeply of My love, joy and peace. Inhale deeply, and note how the air is clearer. Note how the atmosphere is shifting due to this refreshing rain driven by the East wind — this East wind that is strengthening and emboldening many who have been sitting on the sidelines or who have been taken out of the game.

This refreshing is causing entire new camps of warriors to stand and coalesce and occupy with one heart and one mind, in unity and in brotherhood, as they are family in Christ. They are rising up in defense of freedom and truth, with an aim toward justice and righteousness, united in faith and love. Watch for My rain of refreshing. You will see it on the news, refreshing news, news from the East that breathes fresh life and hope into your spirit. Look for it.

2 The Lord will stretch out Your strong scepter from Zion, saying,
“Rule in the midst of Your enemies.”
3 Your people will volunteer freely on the day of Your power;
In holy splendor, from the womb of the dawn,
Your youth are to You as the dew.

Psalm 110:2-3

Rejoice, for the days of being ruled by tyrants is nearing an end. My forces are rising to occupy, and occupy they will. These men and women of faith will rise up as great impenetrable unintimidatable forces standing to protect freedom, honor and truth — driving toward justice, righteousness and restoration of sanity.

Heed the call to rise up. Count the cost, and rise up still. I Am with you and I Am for you. Whom or what shall you fear?

How to Respond

  • Choose to stand.
  • Occupy the place the Lord has called you to. Guard it with all diligence.
  • Take authority over the place the Lord has called you, and force the enemy out with your declarations, commands and decrees.
  • Use your voice. Speak up when the occasion calls for it. Don’t shrink back. You may not get another chance.
  • Steep yourself in worship.
  • Keep your eyes on the Lord.
  • Meditate continuously on the faithfulness of the Lord and His goodness to you.


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