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Today’s Reading:
Daniel 2
Isaiah 1

19 Then, one night, the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision, and so Daniel offered this blessing to the God of heaven:
Daniel: Praise the name of God forever and ever,
for all wisdom and power belong to Him.
21 He sets in motion the times and the ages;
He deposes kings and installs others;
He gives wisdom to the wise
and grants knowledge to those with understanding.
22 He reveals deep truths and hidden secrets;
He knows what lies veiled in the darkness;
pure light radiates from within Him.

Daniel 2:19-22

The Spirit of the Lord says,
My grace is sufficient for you. This is a season where My grace is a great differentiator. For those in My grace, My purposes for them seem to just glide along. The work is there, but the difficulties and snares don’t seem to trip them up. For those operating outside of My grace, under their own strength, will and direction, this is a difficult time. This is a thorny time. It’s like splinters and flat tires everywhere they look. For those who are with Me, align yourself with My purposes. Align yourself with My heart, and get into the slipstream of My grace. It is here for you to make great, stunning breathtaking advancements in a very short period of time.

44 In the days when these kings of iron and clay reign, the God of heaven will set up another kingdom, a kingdom that can never be destroyed, a kingdom that will never be ruled by others. It will crush all the other kingdoms and bring them to an end. This kingdom will last forever.

Daniel 2:44

My grace is here to make up for time you believed was lost. My grace is here to surpass and overtake the enemy. My grace is here for mighty leaps and advancements. My grace is here for prime, powerful positioning that has great advantage. My grace is here for speed. My grace is here to help you run, move, speed along unencumbered and not weighted down. This is a season of what looks like very easy, surprising advancement for those who are in My grace and who know and pursue My heart. This is a season of running up the scoreboard. The battle is shifting significantly in our favor. This is a season of a great overtaking, where the weight of truth hits the balance scales and embarrasses and destroys, tosses off every lie that was filled with false weight. This is the time of owning and occupying the battlefield. Where you have been disadvantaged and on the back foot, always placed on uneven footing and never given a fair shake, the tables have turned and the positioning has swung mightily, greatly in your favor, in our favor.

23 Your leaders are liars, running around with thieves,
wheedling for bribes—greedy for “contributions.”
They don’t defend the needy and pay no attention to the weak.
Consequently, the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, the Mighty One of Israel,
will not keep quiet.
Eternal One:
Oh yes, I will get relief from my enemies
and settle the score with My foes!
25 I will take action against you, My sinful children,
burning off whatever is worthless, purging whatever is impure.
26 I will bring back legislators who have integrity,
people like your founding fathers—principled decision-makers.
Then your city will be called honorable and just,
a model of ethics, trustworthy, and strong.
In that way, this place Zion will pass the test:
the city restored by justice, her citizens delivered by repentance.
28 But those who arrogantly persist in doing wrong will be crushed.
Whoever abandons the Eternal will be done in.

Isaiah 1:23-28

Now the upper hand is yours, the high ground is yours, the vantage point is yours, and the one making the rules is your God and King. The false rule makers will die by their own sword. The false gate keepers who kept you on the outside looking in for so long unless you paid a very high price will die by their own sword. The rules and the tricks they used to keep you disadvantaged are the very ones that will be their own demise. This is the day of the valiant and mighty upper hand. The pendulum has swung. My slipstream of grace is here, and those who are aligned with it, those who are flowing in it, will take tremendous ground in a very short span of time. The tables have turned. The tide has shifted. The roles are reversed, and now we find ourselves with the mighty, unshakeable upper hand.

How to Respond

  • Spend time with the Lord. Ask Him to show you how you can best position yourself to be in the slipstream of His grace to make great speedy advancements.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit, guide me. Show me how to be positioned in Your will and aligned with Your purposes, so that I can be one who makes extraordinary gains in a short period of time. Help me to shake off all the weights that have been dragging me down. And help me to be one who is taking ground with You and for Your Name.
  • Declare, the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness therein. The Lord changes times and seasons; he removes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
  • Decree, the Lord has changed the playing field, and those with Him have the greatest advantage. I will be found in the slipstream of the Lord’s grace. I will see those who have abused and misused power and position be removed from their position and replaced by those who love and seek the Lord. The tide has turned in the favor of those with the Lord God Almighty. We are running up the scoreboard and occupying the battlefield. We are winning.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in 2022: A Bullet Train of Acceleration & Change

And in 2021: Wind in the Sails of the Faithful


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