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Today’s Reading:
John 2
2 Corinthians 9
Luke 6

Jesus came to the servers and instructed them, “Fill the pots with water, right up to the very brim.” Then he said, “Now fill your pitchers and take them to the master of ceremonies.” And when they poured out their pitchers for the master of ceremonies to sample, the water had become wine! When he tasted the water that had become wine, the master of ceremonies was impressed with its quality. (Although he didn’t know where the wine had come from, only the servers knew.) He called the bridegroom over and said to him, “Every host serves his best wine first, until everyone has had a cup or two, then he serves the cheaper wine. But you, my friend, you’ve reserved the most exquisite wine until now!”

John‬ ‭2‬:‭7‬-‭10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say,
The choicest parts have been reserved for now — the sweetest parts, the tenderest parts, the juiciest parts and the most delightful, most fulfilling parts. I have reserved the best for last. But the last is not the end. The last is the new beginning. When it looks like you’ve run out of options, you’ve run out of runway, you’ve run out of rope, I will not only provide, but I will show up with provision worth celebrating, worth relishing, worth savoring. I don’t show up with just enough or something that will make do. I show up with better than the best, with more than enough, with something worth truly savoring and celebrating, and that will carry you over into the new.

This generous God who supplies abundant seed for the farmer, which becomes bread for our meals, is even more extravagant toward you. First he supplies every need, plus more. Then he multiplies the seed as you sow it, so that the harvest of your generosity will grow.

2 Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭10‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Just like the wedding in Cana, when the newly married young couple ran out of wine, I provided an over-abundant supply of better than the best wine. And it carried them into the new chapter. It took them across the threshold of marriage. So am I doing with you. What looks like an empty vessel, what looks like dried up resources and the end of the runway of choices and opportunities will not end there. You will see My miraculous, generous, overabundant supply spilling over in your to your lap. You will laugh and rejoice and be overwhelmed with what I have poured into your cup. But it won’t end there. That filled, overflowing cup will be what carries you into the new that I have for you.

Give generously and generous gifts will be given back to you, shaken down to make room for more. Abundant gifts will pour out upon you with such an overflowing measure that it will run over the top! The measurement of your generosity becomes the measurement of your return.

Luke‬ ‭6‬:‭38‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The season of dry, brittle, barren and desolate is over. I Am pouring generously into the dry places, into the dry vessels and into the bone dry jars, and I will fill them to overflowing to your delight and joy and for those around you. They will also taste and enjoy the abundance that I have poured out for you. The abundant supply will gladden the hearts and wet the dry lips and parched mouths of many. This is a time of refreshing and celebration and surprising resourcing that takes you into the new that I have for you. Your community, family and friends will celebrate what I have done for you, and they will taste and drink, celebrate and enjoy it too.

How to Respond

  • Stir up your faith for the Lord’s resourcing and abundant supply.
  • Pray, Lord thank You that You see me, and that You have reserved the choicest parts for me. You have saved the best for last. And the last is not the end. The last is what will carry me into the new chapter You have for me. Help me to live in faith with glowing expectation of the good and generous supply You are bringing into my life, because You love me.
  • Declare, Yes, God is more than ready to overwhelm me with every form of grace, so that I will have more than enough of everything —every moment and in every way. He will make me overflow with abundance in every good thing I do. – 2 Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭8‬ ‭TPT‬‬
  • Decree, the Lord is coming with the choicest part for me. He has saved the best for last, and I will not be left in lack, in dryness or want. The Lord will overflow my cup with only the best. That overflow will bless many, and it will cause them to taste the goodness of the Lord as He uses this blessing to carry me into the new season He has for me.

For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:




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