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My Wildfire

The Lord says,
Wildfires are dry ferocious fires. They can’t be contained, can’t be controlled. Their movements are difficult to manipulate. That’s what we’re going to see soon. Wildfires across the land. And their spark will be Me. I am the lightning and the ignition. The roar of the flames will be undeniable. And the heart of the movement pure. The fire and ferocity of this movement will consume everything in its path. The dross, the impurities, the unclean motives and unsubmitted hearts – these will be revealed in the fire of this movement.

This movement is coming first for the Church. For the leaders of the Church, for the people in the pews who have a low view of Me, have a skewed view of Me, have a man made, manufactured, untrue, unholy view of Me. They will see clearly. They will see and experience My power first hand. And they will have a clear choice. It will frighten some. It will offend some. They will have the choice to choose the real Me. Not the watered down, acceptable to your mind, fits your small theology and looks a lot like you version of Me.

You will see the wild, the ferocious Me that has not been experienced in generations. The wildfire that sweeps the Church, that cleanses the Church, that sets the Church on fire. This will be the revival, the Great Revival that leads to the Great Reformation. First I’m coming to purify, amplify and set fire to My Church.

Meal Time for Warriors

The Lord says,
I Am tailor making meals for My people based on the season that they are in. These meals all have different nutritional elements and will grow and bring life to people in different areas. But the goal is the same for all, a strong, well-fed Body that is tuned into My voice, sees needs and can serve to meet them, and is solid, immovable, equipped and actively advancing against evil; a Body that does not let evil take any territory in their minds, hearts and homes. This is My Body. It is the Body of warriors.

Be Risk Takers

The Lord says,
I Am moving and want to see, I Am calling My people to be risk takers. I want you to operate as if the clock is running out.
I want you to move with an urgency, respond with urgency, be quick. Respond to My voice and My call quickly. Respond to needs quickly. This is a time of urgency. Operate as if each chance to give, to respond, to reach out, to feed, to feast, to celebrate – is your last. These are days and nights of urgency. Take chances. Follow My heart.

Party Time

The Lord says,
It is a time for celebration. Wild uncontained celebration. Worship, revival, good news. My people falling in love with Me again. An urgency in the Spirit to respond to Me, to live for Me, to change and rearrange lives and lifestyles and habits and homes for Me. Celebrate together with Me. Celebrate Me. Celebrate Me in you. It’s a big party.

I Am igniting wildfires. I Am sparking celebrations. You will see My people dancing, jumping, shouting in celebration. You will be one of them. You will join them. You will see spontaneous outbreaks of celebration of Me. Of Who I Am, Of what I’ve done. Of My goodness.

In the beginning, revival will be distinct from what’s happening politically. But soon, near the beginning of the revival days and nights, My move of justice will be intertwined in the revival. People will know I have moved and it will move them. From the early days, just after the beginning part of revival, there will be a convergence of causes for celebration. I will be the reason to celebrate. But celebrations for Me will take many forms, have many catalysts, many causes. They will be celebrations for freedom, for justice, for life, for truth. Ultimately for Jesus.

How to Respond

  • Declare celebration and celebrate!
  • Worship.
  • Encourage one another in psalms and spiritual songs.
  • Laugh.
  • Dial in close to His heart and ask for assignments. You will see moment by moment what He has for you. He will share some big picture assignments too.
  • Things are really starting to get fun. Watch.


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