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Today’s Reading:
Psalm 21
John 14:27-31
Luke 21:5-28
Isaiah 61:6-62:5

Your almighty hands have captured your foes. You uncovered all who hate you and you seized them. When you appear before them unveiling the radiance of your face, they will be consumed by the fierce fire of your presence. Flames will swallow them up. They and their descendants will be destroyed by an unrelenting fire. We will watch them fail, for these are ones who plan their evil schemes against the Lord.

Psalm 21:8-11

The Lord is Turning Up the Heat

The Lord says,
Things are heating up. Some officials, some in leadership positions – from the bottom to the top are getting hot under the collar. They are starting to sweat. I Am raising the temperature on them. I Am raising their awareness of accountability as a real and imminent thing. I Am causing them to look to and fro, to be jumpy, and to look over their shoulders. I Am turning up the heat, and this heat is causing people to say things they didn’t want to say, to expose things they didn’t want exposed, to make mistakes that show the truth and reveal misdeeds and cover-ups. I Am turning up the heat, and I will not relent.

Secrets hidden in boxes will be revealed, will be opened. Efforts to cover-up and to hide what’s in these boxes will fail. People with their hands in these boxes will be exposed.

My truth is like a rapidly spreading wildfire. And it is causing the heat to rise, the temperature to rise, emotions and fear to rise. My truth will race to its targets and ignite exposure. And exposure will beget exposure.
It will be like one match lighting another. It will be like one stick of dynamite exploding and lighting the next. It will be like the wildfire causes mini explosions as the flammable targets are hit.

I will do this at ballot centers. I will do it in government offices. I will do it in laboratories and in zoos. I will do it in Hollywood, in media houses, in pulpits, churches and financial corporations. I will do it in the intersection of technology and finance. I will do it in social media. I will do it in the auto industry, the environment, and the classrooms. My wildfire of truth is racing. And none of its targets will escape.

Choose Peace

The Lord says,
I am causing peace to fall. As I turn up the heat on those who have done hidden and wrong things in the darkness, as I Am turning up the heat and bringing them closer to the reality of exposure, I Am also bringing peace on those who live in righteousness and love My Name, love Jesus, love the truth. For those who stand on the side of truth, even if they don’t know me yet — if they stand for truth and have a heart bent toward truth, to them I Am pouring out My peace in a time that will look very chaotic and feel very hot for many. And they may wonder, why am I at peace? Why is my heart not racing amidst this turmoil? And the answer is Me.

In My compassion, in My great love I Am giving the provision of peace. Pick it up. Wear it like a mantle. Wear it like a robe. It is available. Don’t take it off and choose anxiety. In this season where My peace is so readily available, choose it. Recognize that anxiety and fear and stress are tools of the enemy to keep you paralyzed, inactive and ineffective. My peace is a weapon that allows you to stand, to charge, to advance, to fight. It equips you to respond to whatever the situation requires.

My peace is a a gift for those in Me and a sample for those who don’t know Me yet. This is a garment of royalty. Sons and daughters of the Most High King wear this peace and operate from it. I Am giving a taste of that to those who are seeking, those who are on the side of truth and morality and goodness, righteousness. They still need to choose Me, but they have already aligned themselves with the good. This taste is to further whet their appetite for Me, for peace, for wholeness and transformation, for healing and for the power and authority that come with the gift of relationship and salvation in Christ Jesus.

I Am good. And I Am peace. Choose Me. Clothe yourself in My goodness, My love, My peace. And find rest. Find security. Find strength. Find your fight.

How to Respond

  • Use your voice to call for truth, to demand truth in areas that it is needed or lacking – especially from your government.
  • Declare the victory of the Lord’s truth.
  • Declare the exposure of evil deeds of darkness and the Lord’s justice for those.
  • Accept the peace that the Lord is offering. If you don’t know Jesus personally yet, invite Him in. Here’s how you can do that.
  • Refuse to pick-up or partner with anxiety, fear, stress, depression and worst-case scenario planning.


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