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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 89:1-18
1 Peter 2:1-12
Song of Solomon 3
Isaiah 41:1-20

8 But you—my servant, Israel,
Jacob, whom I’ve chosen,
seed of my beloved friend Abraham—
9 I drew you to myself from the ends of the earth
and called you from its farthest corner.
I say to you:
‘You are my servant; I have chosen you.
I have not rejected you!
10 Do not yield to fear, for I am always near.
Never turn your gaze from me, for I am your faithful God.
I will infuse you with my strength
and help you in every situation.
I will hold you firmly with my victorious right hand.’

Isaiah 41:8-10

Be a Reflection of the Lord

The Lord says,
My faithfulness, My grace and mercy, My steadfastness — these are immutable truths, unchanging characteristics of Who I Am, and they are for you. My hand of mercy, grace, love, truth, joy, light and righteousness is reaching out to you. You are not alone. I Am here with My hand outstretched to you. I long for you to lift your eyes up, pick your chin up, seek Me and My righteousness. Desire what I desire — truth, justice, mercy, righteousness, faithfulness. All that I Am I desire to see reflected in My people and reflected in the Earth.

I made you in My image. Why are you trying to disguise yourself as something less than I created you to be? I made you in My image, therefore you are inherently able to reflect Me. As you choose Me daily, you will be transformed into a clearer more distinct reflection of Me. Each day that you choose Me it becomes easier to walk with Me, to hear My voice and to perceive My ways. It is beautiful, and it is the only worthy pursuit — to be transformed by the renewing of your mind in daily choosing Me, by making decisions moment by moment with your eyes on Me. This is the life of discipleship. This is the life of sonship. This is the life of partnership and co-laboring with Me.

Find Your Fulfillment in the Lord

The Lord says,
Find your fulfillment in Me. I lack nothing in Myself or in My Kingdom, and I did not make you for lack. I made you for abundance. Find the fulfillment of your soul, of your heart in Me. All of the rest will be wonderful additions and enhancements to this life in Me.
If you start with Me as your anchor, your cornerstone, your firm foundation, you can be grateful for all that I add to it. You won’t live like the desperate and the seeking, the aimless and the ones who try to find fulfillment in things, in relationships, in chemicals, in titles. No. Don’t be like these. Find your identity in Me. Find your fulfillment in Me, and let me add blessings and graces and assignments and life abundant to that firm foundation established in The Unshakable One, Me.

The Lord Rejoices in His Children

The Lord says,
I Am full of joy as I look at My children who have taken up assignments, who have run out into the battle. I have moved and have put a great wind in their sail. They will experience great exhilaration as I move and help their efforts to accomplish their aim. It’s a beautiful thing to see My children walk and run in obedience, toward assignments great and small that I can use to accomplish My purposes in them individually and in the Earth. The obedience, trust and partnership of My children brings Me great joy. I can accomplish much in these willing hearts, through these willing vessels.

Just as is true in the natural, hearts and trust are forged deeper as you walk in adventure with someone. So it is with Me. As you run out into adventure with Me, you will gain a deeper trust for Who I Am. You will have a greater confidence in My strength and faithfulness. You will more keenly hear My voice. All of these things happen in adventure, in experience. Yes, sit down and spend time with Me. Visit with Me, study My Word, and talk to Me as You would a friend. This is essential. And I Am also experiential. Where you’re going to learn lasting truths, where you’re going to build trust and relationship is out doing life in partnership with Me. This is not a sit down faith. This is an active, advancing partnership of faith.

Fight the Good Fight

The Lord says,
Take heart. The battles will not always continue as constantly and relentlessly as they have. I will also give you seasons of rest, of refreshing, of rejuvenation. You can always come to the fountain of My grace and find those things, even in the midst of the battle. For now, we are still in the heat of the battle. So don’t back down, don’t grow weary, and don’t faint. Strengthen yourself in Me. Refresh yourself in Me, and run daily into the battle until I declare victory. You know that we have already won, because I have already won. The reality of the battle rages on, and you must fight. Be faithful. Strengthen yourself in Me. Keep your eyes on Me. The celebration is near.

Celebration is Near

The Lord says,
I Am preparing the celebration. I Am clearing the path to victory. The celebration will be like a festival over many days and nights. Hearts will be so filled with joy and excitement that they will desire to celebrate and dance and sing and eat and drink for days. I Am preparing the way and the celebration. It will be a celebration for all ages, backgrounds, and races.

I will be there in the midst of the celebration. I will be given great honor in this beautiful, joyful, unbridled celebration. It is so pleasing to Me. We are almost there.

How to Respond

  • Sit with the Lord. Ask Him to help you to clear away the clutter and restore Him to the place of first, of anchor, of firm foundation.
  • Ask the Lord to help you prioritize and appropriately manage the blessings and assignments He has brought into your life.
  • Ask the Lord where your place in the battle is. Ask Him if you’re in the right place or if He is drawing you into another assignment.
  • Worship.
  • Come to the Lord for refreshing, renewal and strengthening, so that you can be effective and have great endurance to finish the battle well.
  • Keep celebration and victory in your heart. That is where we are headed.


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