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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 8
Acts 2:42-47
Romans 5:1-11
Isaiah 44:1-8

You have built a stronghold by the songs of babies. Strength rises up with the chorus of singing children. This kind of praise has the power to shut Satan’s mouth. Childlike worship will silence the madness of those who oppose you.

Psalm 8:2

Bring Praise!

The Lord says,
The praises of My people, of My children – their worship crushes the schemes of the enemy. My people have forgotten over time, through history the power that I have bestowed upon them through the finished work of Christ Jesus. They have shrunk back and subjected themselves to the schemes of the enemy, to the works of evildoers. My people are acting like weak and powerless ones. But I have created you with the power of a mighty lion! I have made you fierce and confident, and I have given to you the authority to rule and reign over this jungle — the Earth. You are seated with Me in Heavenly places. Yet you know not and use not the authority I have given you. This is a day to wake up!! Wake up!! Wake up!! My people need not cower in the the corners waiting for a savior. The Savior has come and He has won!!

Pick up your sword. Put on the full Armor of God. Put on your priestly garments and your kingly robe. I have crowned you with righteousness. Stand up. Stand tall! And advance against the forces of darkness and the works of the enemy. He has no authority here. Do not allow yourself to be subjected to his schemes, his sicknesses, his lies, or his theft. We know that he comes only to steal, kill and destroy. So put up an armament around your family, your home and your community — an armament of praise, of worship, of declarations and prophecy. Bind him from entering, from seeing, from hearing, from speaking in any of the territory that you have claimed.

Worship. Don’t forget the worship of your mouth, the weapon of praise is a mighty and fearsome, terrifying, unbearable thing for the enemy. Bind up his words, his ability to hear and see, bind up his works. And praise with your whole heart. This is the way to take back ground for yourself, for your mind, for your family and for this nation. We do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved. (Hebrews 10:39)

This is a time to be fierce and confident in the Lord. It is also a time of great celebration. There is and has been a call to purity. Purify yourselves, so you don’t fall prey to the schemes of the enemy. Be pure in your heart and mind and in deed. Pray and sing, and live freely from purity. Walk in purity, in power, in strength and in might. Live full of joy. The joy of the Lord is your strength, and celebration of Him is a weapon, mighty to bring down strongholds.

Worship is vital in this hour. Worship stirs up power within you. Worship stirs up a yearning for truth, a desire for the pure things, a desire for justice and truth to prevail. Worship stirs up your own heart, and causes you to strengthen yourself in the Lord. It is an intolerable thing for the enemy, and a beautiful incense to the Lord.

How to Respond

  • Worship today. Sing songs that the Lord puts on your heart – old and new. If none come to mind, find a good worship music station and sing along.
  • Allow the worship songs to change your mood, your mindset, your attitude and your posture. Allow it to remind you who you are and the authority you have in Jesus.
  • Put on the full armor of God. Remind yourself that you have access to and are putting on HIS armor. Who can prevail against that?
  • Delight yourself in the Lord today.
  • Find a way to celebrate the sure victory that is just ahead.


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