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Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 60

Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned, and Yahweh’s glory now streams from you! Look carefully! Darkness blankets the earth, and thick clouds covers the nations, but Yahweh arises upon you and the brightness of his glory appears over you! Nations will be attracted to your radiant light and kings to the sunrise-glory of your new day.

Isaiah‬ ‭60‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say,
I’m calling you to be a visible light in the darkness, a visible difference in the darkness. I’m calling you to be a visible light in the darkness, even as My Spirit and My grace nudge you forward and upward. Darkness and even deep darkness surrounds, but My light is in you, and My light surrounds you. You are a visible representation of My glory. You are the light that assures people that I have not left you all alone to shift for yourselves in the midst of this great darkness. You are the visible display of My glory and the reminder that I have not only come to be with you, but I have come to reside within you. I Am the friend who sticks closer than a brother. I Am the voice and person who is urging you forward and upward. Even as the droves are coming down the mountain pass, I Am instructing you to go up higher. I Am instructing you to go counter current.

Then you will see with understanding and be radiant. Your heart will be thrilled and swell with joy. The fullness of the sea will flow to you and the wealth of the nations will be transferred to you!

Isaiah‬ ‭60‬:‭5‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The path I have you on many are leaving, many are using as their exit. But I Am calling you to use this path for your ascension. As these ones who are dispersing from the top of the mountain come down this path of your ascension they will look at your light in wonder. The darkness has gotten so consuming around them that they may not even fully understand that they are on their way down the mountain. Your light will be a sudden startling impulse of My love coming across their path. It will bring a sudden pang of longing for what you have and a great desire to be in the light. For some, My Spirit and your light will arrest them on the side of this mountain, and you will be able to stop and minister to them. For some of these to whom you minister, they may join you on the path back up the mountain for a temporary service to you. Others may give you instructions and impart vital insights even as they continue down the mountain. Don’t shun these ones traveling your path in the opposition direction. Some of them may even be angels that you entertain unaware. Even those retreating from the mountain, abandoning the mountain or those being forced out of the mountain may have gifts or insight to impart as you have a momentary connection with them in the crossing of your paths. I waste nothing. Allow My love and My Spirit and My voice inside you to treat each one with love, with dignity and respect — with great hope that they will crave and desire to be one with the light that lives inside of you, that they would desire to be carriers of the light that you carry.

Although once you were rejected and despised, undesirable for anyone to pass through you, I will make you majestic forever, a source of joy for every generation. You will guzzle the milk of nations and suckle at the breast of kings. You will know me intimately that I am Yahweh, your Savior, for I am the Mighty Hero who rules over Jacob’s tribes, your Kinsman-Redeemer!” “I will replace your copper with gold, your iron with silver, your wood with copper, and your stone with iron. I will install peace and prosperity as your government and righteousness as your overseer.

Isaiah‬ ‭60‬:‭15‬-‭17‬ ‭TPT‬‬

This time of great exchange is greater than you can imagine. The exchange is causing more to be given, more to change hands, more to be abandoned and more to be imparted than you can possibly fathom. Be faithful in your love. Be faithful in your giving. As you pour out into these travelers, unexpected gifts and wisdom and reward will even pour forth from them into your hands and lap. Remain humble as My Spirit and My voice urge you up this mountain. I have much planned for you along the way.

How to Respond

  • Be obedient and live in humility and with a gentleness of spirit as the Lord urges you up this new mountain.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit thank You for being the voice and Spirit inside of me. Thank You for Your light and instruction. Help me to discern Your voice correctly and to move as You speak. I want to be the visible display of Your glory and draw many to You. Help me to live in gentleness and with overflowing love.
  • Declare, Those who walked in darkness have seen a radiant light shining upon them. They once lived in the shadows of death, but now a glorious light has dawned! -Isaiah‬ ‭9‬:‭2‬ ‭TPT‬‬
  • Decree, I have risen, and I am shining. I am a light in the darkness. I am the visible display of God’s glory on the Earth. I am going where the Lord instructs me to go, and I will shine brightly and show His kindness and love to those I meet along the way.

For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: This Is the Turnaround
2022: An Invitation to Experience the Glory
2021: Trust in the Lord and Be Satisfied in Him


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