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Today’s Readings:
Colossians 1
Psalm 62-63
Isaiah 51

5 Your faith and love rise within you as you access all the treasures of your inheritance stored up in the heavenly realm. For the revelation of the true gospel is as real today as the day you first heard of our glorious hope, now that you have believed in the truth of the gospel.

Colossians 1:5

The Lord says,
It’s Resurrection Season. It’s the season for glorious, vibrant, light-filled new life. It’s the season of wild, unexpected comebacks. It’s the season where breakthroughs long awaited are suddenly in your laps. It’s the kind of season where many walk around with a song in their heart and on their lips. Excitement, thanksgiving, anticipation for what’s next and strongly established faith grows even stronger. It’s like letting the puppies out of the pen when you get home, the farm animal out of the stall. It’s just unbridled joy, excitement and delight. That’s what this resurrection season will look and feel like. Your joy will be full.

62 I stand silently to listen for the one I love,
waiting as long as it takes for the Lord to rescue me.
For God alone has become my Savior.
2 He alone is my safe place;
his wraparound presence always protects me.
For he is my champion defender;
there’s no risk of failure with God.
So why would I let worry paralyze me,
even when troubles multiply around me?

Psalm 62:1-2

The strength in your standing, the unwavering position and stance you have taken will be the key that leads you into the new day. You have stood in faith. You have stood for what’s right. You have stood for Me and against the forces of darkness. This reflects what’s inside of you. This reflects who you are. And it will be what turns the key and opens the door to the day of breakthrough. You are a gift to those in your path, in your family, friend and work circles. You are a gift. Because they will indeed be able to walk behind you, and follow you into the new day — the one they didn’t have faith for, didn’t stand for, didn’t fight for, didn’t contend for. Why? Because I Am that good. Why? Because you were strong enough and there is reward yet for you.

51 “Listen to me, you who chase after righteousness,
you who passionately pursue the Lord.
Look back to Abraham, the rock from which you were cut,
to Sarah, the quarry from which you were dug,
and remember what I did for them.
2 Yes, look to Abraham your father and to Sarah, who bore you.
For when I called Abraham, he was but one person,
but I blessed him greatly so that one became many.”
3 Indeed, Yahweh will comfort Zion, restore her,
and comfort all her broken places.
He will transform her wilderness into the garden of Bliss,
her desert into the garden of Yahweh.
Joy and laughter will fill the air
with thanksgiving and joyous melodies.

Isaiah 51:1-3

Your holding fast to Me, to My Word, to My promises will not fail you, will not disappoint you. There is reward yet for it. The ones who will enter into the new day behind you are part of your reward. You will see the transformation this new day brings to their eyes, countenance, hearts and lives. You are not just holding on for you. You are holding on for them. You are holding on for the many who have not held on — those who didn’t see what was at stake, who had no idea what what’s going on, for those who knew yet wavered and resigned themselves to disappointment and lack in this place ruled by darkness. No, your standing is beautiful, glorious and a testimony in My eyes. And your reward will indeed be full.

5 My righteousness is coming closer,
and my salvation has gone out.
My mighty arms will govern the people.
The islands will trust in me
and put their hope in the unveiling of my might.

Isaiah 51:5

So continue to stand, to push, to advance. Stand tall, square your shoulders, and hold your head up high. You will soon see the victory, the breakthrough, the recompense, the justice, the favor and the promises of the Lord. Hold on a little bit longer. Hold on as long as it takes. You will know when the present darkness has given way to the new day. You will know when you are walking through that glorious entryway, that bright and beautiful open gate into the new day. Hold on.

How to Respond

  • Trust the Lord.
  • Encourage yourself in the Lord — bringing to mind His faithfulness to you, your family and the nation.
  • Strengthen yourself through the reading of scriptures, singing of worship songs and declarations of victory.
  • Declare, the Lord has won. He is mighty, victorious and He never fails. The Lord’s triumph over darkness is certain.
  • Declare, the Lord is bringing us into glorious, miraculous, transformative days — ones that will change the course of history in our families, communities, nation and world.


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