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Today’s Readings:
Hebrews 11
Psalm 132:13-134
Jude 1:14-25
Isaiah 40:28-41:20

28 Don’t you know? Haven’t you been listening?

Yahweh is the one and only everlasting God,

the Creator of all you can see and imagine!

He never gets weary or worn out.

His intelligence is unlimited;

he is never puzzled over what to do!

29 He empowers the feeble

and infuses the powerless with increasing strength.

30 Even young people faint and get exhausted;

athletic ones may stumble and fall.

31 But those who wait for Yahweh’s grace

will experience divine strength.

They will rise up on soaring wings and fly like eagles,

run their race without growing weary,

and walk through life without giving up.

Isaiah 40:28-31

The Battle is the Lord’s

The Lord says,
The battle belongs to Me. I have called you to suit up. I have called you to run into the battlefield. I have called you to man your stations. But the battle is Mine. Don’t get overwhelmed. Don’t get discouraged. Don’t lose hope because of the darkness that surrounds you. The battle is Mine. I have called you into the battle to partner with Me. I have called you into the battle to grow your strength, your faith, your understanding and your ability to discern My voice. I have called you to fight in certain areas — through prayer, through declarations, through prophecy, through actions to protect your family and community from the schemes of the enemy. But the battle is Mine.

I have called out My warriors to see who is faithful, to see who responds to My voice, to see who can understand and discern the times we are in, to see who is willing to do more than long for a different future. I have called you in to train you, to teach you and to partner with you. I have called you in so we can advance together. But I don’t need you to win this battle. Don’t mistake Me. I want you here, and your being here is part of My plan for you, and it will be rewarded. I Am actively seeking your partnership, so don’t give up. Don’t put down your weapons. Don’t leave the battlefield, and don’t faint now. I’m here with you. I’m fighting for you. The battle is Mine. Don’t let the weight of the battle weigh you down. Don’t let the fierceness of the battle cause you to lose heart. No, I Am the Lord of the Battle, and I Am the Victor of All, who has overcome the world. So don’t let your heart shrink because of what you’re seeing in the battle. We win. I will bring the victory. My victory is assured. It is certain. It is immutable. It is already written in My books. Nothing can change what I have set My heart to do.

Your Job in the Battle

The Lord says,
Your job is to stand firm, to stay in faith, to strengthen yourself and each other in the Lord. Sing songs of worship and spiritual songs to encourage yourself and to remind yourself that I indeed Am the Lord of the battle and the God of Angel Armies. Remain faithful. Advance when I say advance. Take action when I instruct you.

Declare the victory is won. Declare that the schemes of the enemy are defeated. Declare a holiness movement, a revelation of Me. Declare freedom for the captives — lives of joy and freedom and innocence for the children. Declare a bright hope and a light-filled future for this nation and the nations of the world.

Declare a great revival such as the world has never seen. Declare that the prodigals are returning — even the ones in your family, even the ones who seem the farthest off from home. These too will wake up, see themselves and their depraved situation and run home to the feet of Jesus. Yes they will.

Declare the outbreak of wild celebrations for My victory, for freedom, for Jesus. Get your hopes up. We are nearly there.

What to Do with the Weight on Your Shoulders and in Your Heart

The Lord says,
If you feel the pressure, the weight of something on your heart, talk to Me about it. Ask Me if I put it there. I will give you an action to relieve that burden. Remember, if the burden is from Me, I will bring an action. It may be for intercession. It may be physical action. If the burden is from you — this is called obsession. And it’s time for you to bring that to Me, to release it and to find peace. Yes. Those burdens that you carry that are not from Me need to go. Leave them at My feet, and I will give you peace, and rest and freedom from it.

Is it bitterness? Hurt? Anxiety? Being torn in two directions because of competing voices in your life? I will instruct you in the way you should go. Is it unforgiveness? It’s time to get that right. Make the choice to forgive. It doesn’t have to feel like you think it should feel. Forgiveness is an act of will. It’s not a feeling. Make that choice to forgive again and again for the same issue until it has no residual effects in your body, mind, or heart.

This season we are going into is not one to bring your baggage. There is too much good and too much work there for you to be weighed down by things that are not of Me. Remember, my yoke is easy and My burden is light. My burden comes with release. Ask Me what the release for your burden is. This is how I partner with you. This is what assignment looks like. If it weighs on your heart and it’s from Me, I will give you something to do with it. If it’s from you, you need to let it go because it is not serving you, you are serving it. Look how you carry it around. No, let it go baby. Let it go.

The Lord is Driving a Great Company of Warriors

The Lord says,
I Am driving a large company of warriors, fully equipped and outfitted. They are fresh, though they have been battling for a long time. They have been refreshed, and we are driving out across that Red Sea. I Am proud of the confidence and the trust and the faith that these warriors, these faithful ones have in Me. It’s like a scene from Braveheart. These are indeed My bravehearted ones, who know that the battle is the only way forward. In their eyes, there is no shrinking back, no retreating, no turning home. No, the only way to go is forward and advancing.

I Am driving, and I Am leading this large company across to the other side. The other side is indeed in sight now. These fierce warriors are not shaken by the sound of the enemy advancing to behind us. They are not flinching at the knowledge of the enemies chasing hot on our heels. No. They have their eyes set on a city with unshakeable foundations whose architect and builder is the Lord himself. Their trust is in Me, and they will experience their great reward. Freedom is on the other side. Light is on the other side. Joy and purity, righteousness and justice is on the other side. And those who are with the enemy will see great destruction come upon them.

How to Respond

  • Be found faithful. Be one whose ears are attuned to the voice of the Lord so sharply that you can move at a moment’s notice.
  • Strengthen yourself in the Lord with His Word, in worship and in spiritual songs.
  • Trust in the Lord. Trust that He will do what He said He will do, and we will indeed see the victory and the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
  • Lay your burdens at His feet. Ask Him to reveal to you which burdens are from you that need to go, and which are from Him, that have assignment attached to them. He will be faithful to show you what to do.
  • Don’t harbor any unforgiveness. You deserve a life without carrying around the burden of other people’s hurts and mistakes.
  • Choose joy.
  • Keep your eyes on the Lord. He is bringing us through to the other side. It won’t be long now.


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