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Every Construct Made of Lies Will Be Demolished by Truth

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Truth is waiting in the wings. It’s waiting like wrecking balls pulled back on cranes, ready to take down the temples built of lies, ready to take down the structures built on lies, ready to take down every man- made construct build on lies. The truth is poised and ready to come in like a wrecking ball to these fortresses of lies and structures and constructs made of lies.

It’s Time to Be Hard Chargers — We Are Carving the Path to Freedom

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I Am anointing you with holy pressure. I’m anointing you with the holy pressure to complete that which needs to be completed, to advance that which must be driven forward, to speak that which must be spoken. This is the time of a holy unction that drives my builders, My workers, My partners and My co-laborers to move the ball down the field. My grace is here for advancement.

Prepare for Plunder

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I Am your Rock and firm foundation. All other ground is sinking sand. Trust in Me. Stand upon Me. Stand upon My Word of truth. I Am the stability of your times. You can remain secure, unshaken, untouched, unaffected even as you stand firmly, unwaveringly, securely planted in Me. The world is in for a shaking. The world is heading to a tumult. This is not new news. I will shake everything that can be shaken.

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