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Today’s Readings:
Isaiah 42:1-16
Psalm 33

18 The eyes of the Lord are upon
even the weakest worshipers who love him—
those who wait in hope and expectation
for the strong, steady love of God.

Psalm 33:18

You Have Been Training for This Moment

The Lord says,
I have you. You are loved. You are covered by My love. Lean on Me. Wait on Me. Trust in Me. Step by step. Moment by moment. This is training ground. This is valuable education. This is valuable strength building. This is valuable endurance training. The work you’ve put your hands to, the training and strengthening you have done and the tests that have come your way have all prepared you for this moment, for this time. You have everything you need to weather this storm beautifully and to make the enemy look like the fool he is. You have everything you need. You have more than enough. You know that I Am more than enough.

Trust. Rest. Work. Repeat. Decisions will come soon that you don’t have the answer for now, but you will see clearly. One step and then the next. There’s no need to figure it all out. That’s for Me. Yours is to trust. Rest. Work. Ask for what you need, and watch Me provide in fun and fantastic ways. Live your lifestyle of thanksgiving for all to see. And get up and do it again the next day. This is the cadence for now. It will change again. But this is the cadence for now. Keep it manageable. Keep your heart light. Laugh and live light. Be ready to lend a hand to those who need one. This is the time you are in. You will find some aspects of this time outlive the restrictions of this season and these circumstances.

You will be marked by the way you weather this storm. You will be marked with kindness, with a readiness to lend support, with intense compassion for those in dire circumstances. And you will have a lifelong ability to trust Me and to expect miracles to happen. Watch. I will do them. I will knock your socks off with what I do. It will be a season of many wows, much amazement, and a newfound recognition of My goodness and how personal My love for you is. You will see yourself as the treasure I see, and you will extend My love to others.

It’s a great day to be alive. Look past he chaos, the disaster, the destruction, and have eyes that roam and seek for the good in everything. Be laser focused on finding the good. On finding Me, on discovering My fingerprints and My graces. This is a beautiful practice and a beautiful characteristic. It is a virtue.

My pleasure is on you in this time. Wait on Me. Linger in My Presence. I will tell you wild and wonderful things that you did not know.

“I revealed myself to those who didn’t even ask to know me.
Those who did not seek me found me.
I said to a nation that did not call on my name,
‘Here I am! Here I am! I will help you!’

Isaiah 65:1

Days of Exposure and Choice

The Lord says,
I Am hovering over the Earth. I Am moving from West to East, and I Am covering more and more territory. I Am moving like a stealth bomber. Though what is visible from the Earth is just the shadow of My Presence. I will soon cover the whole Earth, and only My shadow will be perceivable.

Though the Earth will seem like a very dark place, I will have positioned Myself to move out from the shadow and shine brightly on the people. I will shine with exposure, and that exposure of hearts will cause many to bow in humility. It will cause the scales from many eyes to fall off, their ears to be opened and their hearts to be changed forever – pierced through by the truth. Exposure for others will not be so private. Exposure for others will be very public.

My exposure will be a day of reckoning. Personal choices will decide whether these exposures will lead to a beautiful new life — a rebirth, or whether it will lead to rejecting the hand of the Lord, rejecting the opportunity for redemption. It will come down to personal choice. Pride will be the downfall of some, and it breaks My heart. A feeling of unworthiness will also be a stumbling block. But this gift of redemption is not offered to the worthy. It’s offered to those who I made in My image. It is for all people – regardless of race, religion, social status and past.

This choice, this personal choice is the most important thing, and it is the most important one made in a person’s life. Don’t take it lightly. Don’t present it lightly, and don’t lose faith for those who have not made this choice yet. Many are coming into My tent. Many will find Me who weren’t even looking. It will be glorious and a great celebration. Get ready to dance.

How to Respond

  • Trust the Lord to bring justice.
  • Declare that the Lord is moving and that He will indeed bring justice.
  • Declare that the Lord will bring exposure – both in a private way to the hearts of many and in a public way regarding lies, fraud and evil being done by many leaders of all kinds and at all levels.
  • If you haven’t made the personal choice to ask Jesus for forgiveness and redemption, there’s no better time than now. Here’s how.
  • Declare that glorious days of salvation for many — a great great Harvest are coming — and it will bring great celebration with it.


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