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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 33-34
Galatians 4:1-5:1
Isaiah 45

11 His destiny-plan for the earth stands sure.
His forever-plan remains in place and will never fail.
12 Blessed and prosperous is that nation who has God as their Lord!
They will be the people he has chosen for his own.

Psalm 33:11-12

The Lord says,
Freedom. Wide open spacious living. Freedom in hearts, freedom in souls, freedom in living. Wide open spacious living — this is what I intended for the people. The heart’s cry, the rallying cry for freedom is growing very loud in the Earth. It’s growing very loud in the darkness. It’s growing very loud, and as of yet appears to have gone unanswered. It appears to be one sided with the freedom warriors charging, yet gaining little so far.

My light is breaking through. My light is shining for freedom from the West to the East; and truth and what is right will be the battering rams that usher in a tidal wave of freedom.

My banner over you is love, and a key component of true love is freedom. Forget not that freedom is inherent in love. Love without freedom is not love at all.

America was built on the principles of love for Me, love and respect for one’s neighbor, and freedom. We are returning to foundational days, foundational truths, foundational principles — and chief among them are love and freedom.

The stake in the ground that holds the glorious flag of the United States of America, herself named Old Glory, was a stake firmly driven by the first and greatest commandment – to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love thy neighbor as thyself. This first and greatest commandment is the environment in which freedom can thrive and grow and prosper. It’s really that simple. All of the complications, the rules, the laws, the layers and layers of governance and officials have made it more complicated, have eroded freedoms, and have made true freedom very difficult to find, to achieve, to live in.

The people have it in their hearts to return to freedom. You have it in your heart to return to freedom. I desire greatly that this beacon, this city on a hill that I have established for the sake of the World, will indeed return to freedom.

Old Glory will fly freely again, uninhibited again, proudly again.
The people and the country will return to a code of honor again. They will return to desiring and revering Me again, to valuing and seeking holiness again, to loving and trusting their neighbor again.

I Am moving from the West to the East, and My bright light will shine on the faces and hearts of all. My light will shine comfort on those who seek Me and on those whose hearts are open to Me. It will shine exposure in the areas that require uncovering and cleansing. It will shine white hot on the truth, and it will birth justice in the land.

The tide is turning. The days are turning to ones of freedom, truth and justice; and these will be protected by the people and for the people. These will be vigilantly and fiercely protected against all intrusions — from within and without. A mighty fortress will surround freedom, truth and justice once they return to their rightful place of esteem in the nation.

How to Respond

  • Declare that the Lord made the people for freedom, and He is moving to return us to a place of love and freedom.
  • Ask the Lord what you can do to champion freedom in your sphere of influence.
  • Worship, praise and be full of thanksgiving to the Lord for His faithfulness and for His desire to return us to freedom.
  • Declare that truth, freedom and justice are returning to America.


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