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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 32-34
Isaiah 33

20 Set your gaze on Zion,
the city where we gather for Yahweh’s feasts.
Your eyes will see Jerusalem as a quiet, pleasant place.
It is a secure dwelling, permanent and unmovable,
not like a tabernacle that must be taken down,
pegs pulled up, and transported.
21 Glorious Yahweh will be there for us
in a land with broad rivers and life-giving streams,
where the hostile, majestic ships will not sail.

Isaiah 33:20-21

The Lord says,
Break off those things that are holding you back. Break ties with the things that are holding you captive in the old season. Find freedom in the breaking off of the old ways, the former ways, the toxic or negative relationships, mindsets, habits and assumptions. Be free from them. Find freedom as you release those things. Find freedom in Me. Choose to let go of all that is holding you back and anything that looks like it may be holding you back. Leave it here and walk unencumbered into the freedom of the new day and the new season. Let yourself feel the freedom, taste the freedom. See how the pressure of the atmosphere around you has lightened? See how the day is lighter and brighter and easier? These are marks of a freedom life.

5 Then I finally admitted to you all my sins,
refusing to hide them any longer.
I said, “My life-giving God,
I will openly acknowledge my evil actions.”
And you forgave me!
All at once the guilt of my sin washed away
and all my pain disappeared!
Pause in his presence

Psalm 32:5

Nothing around you has to change. You are the one making the changes, the choices, the cutting off and the letting go. That’s what ushers you into freedom. That’s what changes your posture, your burden load and your perspective. In this place, I Am making changes too. I Am changing the scene and the surroundings. This is all happening, and shifts are even becoming apparent now. But don’t wait for My work or particular signs or major milestones in order to seek and find freedom for yourself. No. It’s available now. Shrug off those habits, mindsets, ways of operating and assumptions that are clinging to you like a spider’s web. Dust them off, shake them off. Remove them from your life by choice. Be open to new ways of operating, new relationships.

5 Yahweh is high and lifted up; he dwells on high!
He lavished his justice and righteousness on Zion!
6 He will be your constant source of stability in changing times,
and out of his abundant love he gives you
the riches of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge.
Yes, the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure!

Isaiah 33:5-6

Choose up higher thinking. Choose to set your mind on things above, dwelling only on what is lovely, holy, pure. Choose to renew your mind. Choose to clear out negative self-talk and cease all destructive declarations over your own life. Speak life. Speak truth. Speak with hope and with conviction of trust in Me — that I Am working and moving for the good in your life and in the world around you and beyond.

11 Come, children of God, and listen to me.
I’ll share the lesson I’ve learned of fearing the Lord:
12–13 Do you want to live a long, good life,
enjoying the beauty that fills each day?
Then never speak a lie or allow wicked words
to come from your mouth.
14 Keep turning your back on every sin,
and make “peace” your life motto.
Practice being at peace with everyone.

Psalm 34:11-14

Stop tearing down the works of My hands with your negative words and declarations. Stop tearing down your own progress and belittling your own dreams with your mouth. Speak only life. Remove all of that other kind of talk from your mouth and your mind. Choose to walk into freedom and life and purpose. Leave behind those old ways. Clean them out of your mind and off of you.

33 It’s time to sing and shout for joy!
Go ahead, all you redeemed ones, do it!
Praise him with all you have,
for praise looks lovely on the lips of God’s devoted lovers.
2 Play the guitar as you lift your praises loaded with thanksgiving.
Sing and make joyous music with all you’ve got inside.
3 Compose new melodies that release new praises to the Lord.
Play his praises on instruments
with the anointing and skill he gives you.
Sing and shout with passion; make a spectacular sound of joy—
4 For God’s Word is something to sing about!
He is true to his promises, his word can be trusted,
and everything he does is reliable and right.

Psalm 33:1-4

Choose to celebrate. Choose to embrace the wide open spacious gift of freedom that comes with cutting ties to those old ways. Celebration, thanksgiving and freedom go hand in hand. Do a freedom dance. Do a celebration dance. Choose to embrace a whole new way of life.

How to Respond

  • Choose to be different, to think different and to never pick up those old ways again. Cling to the words the Lord has given you and declare them over your life.
  • Identify the patterns, mindsets, habits, inner monologues, destructive talk and toxic relationships in your life. Choose to cut them out and replace them with words and practices and people that bring life and hope and peace to you.
  • Get rid of self-deprecating language. It is not of the Lord.
  • Choose freedom and the wide-open spacious living of this new season.
  • Declare that the Lord is moving and active, and He is shifting the scene that we see around us.


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