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Today’s Readings:
Romans 12
1 Thessalonians 4
Psalm 37
Isaiah 45

3 Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in his eyes.
Fix your heart on the promises of God, and you will dwell in the land,
feasting on his faithfulness.
4 Find your delight and true pleasure in Yahweh,
and he will give you what you desire the most.
5 Give God the right to direct your life,
and as you trust him along the way,
you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!
6 He will appear as your righteousness,
as sure as the dawning of a new day.
He will manifest as your justice,
as sure and strong as the noonday sun.

Psalm 37:3-6

The Lord says,
Happy is good. Outrageous joy is better. Don’t settle for the lesser one. Outrageous joy is available to you. Happy is good, but it is also hollow and conditional. It’s circumstantial. Joy’s only requirement is unbroken connection with Me. Joy is sustainable in Me. And joy sustains the condition of your soul. This is why the song sings, “Joy to the World, the Lord is Come.” You can have joy because Jesus came. You can have joy because of Emmanuel, God with us. You can have joy because of My Holy Spirit living with you. Joy to the World, because I Am here with you and within you, never leaving you nor forsaking you, always guiding, nudging, speaking. Do you lack joy? Look to Me. I Am the Source and the Sustainer of all joy

2 ‘I will march out in front of you and level every obstacle.
I will shatter to pieces bronze doors
and slice through iron bars.
3 I will give you hidden treasures from dark, concealed places
and wealth waiting in secret sites
so that you recognize me, for it is I, Yahweh,
the God of Israel, who calls you by your name!

Isaiah 45:2-3

Seek Me with all your heart in this season, and I will reveal to you incredible things that you did not know. I will show you unbelievable things that you never have seen or noticed. Pursue Me. Seek Me and you will find Me if you seek Me with all of your heart.

11 Be enthusiastic to serve the Lord, keeping your passion toward him boiling hot! Radiate with the glow of the Holy Spirit and let him fill you with excitement as you serve him.

Romans 12:11

Let your countenance and your person drip with love for Me and for others. Be consumed by the love that I impart. Be so consumed that it is nearly visible, dripping like honey from your being. My love is sticky. It sticks to you, and as you touch others, it sticks to them. It is sweet and it’s residue stays with you. Be one who spreads My sticky love through your acts of kindness, of seeing people, of slowing down and being present, of reaching out a hand. Impart the stickiness of My love to all who cross your path.

11 Aspire to lead a calm and peaceful life as you mind your own business and earn your living, just as we’ve taught you. 12 By doing this you will live an honorable life, influencing others and commanding respect of even the unbelievers. Then you’ll be in need of nothing and not dependent upon others.

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

I Am your Shalom Peace. I Am the Prince of Peace. I impart perfect peace that passes all understanding. Be enveloped by My peace in this season. Make it a practice, and carry it with you. Let My perfect peace surround you at all times. Release it like a beautiful fragrance wherever you go. Release it in places, moments and situations where strife or tension arise. Release it to strangers as an unexpected gift.

Walk confidently in My grace and in these gifts I make ever available to you. Let your life be a beautiful sound, a sweet representation and a wonderful calming fragrance to all who meet you and touch your life.

Be Christ to the world around you. Be ambassadors of the Messiah Jesus. Be representatives of Heaven. Be beacons of hope and proof of My work. Those who know you will see how you have grown and changed and become more beautiful as you have yielded your life to My hands, to My teaching, to My correction, love and guidance.

Be evidence of My wonder working power in a life.

Insofar as it is within your power, live peaceably with all and lead a quiet life that is a beautiful reflection of Me.

2 Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.

Romans 12:2

Shine. Be radiant like the sun. As you live quietly, many will be drawn to you, because the reflection of Me that you carry is magnetic. Welcome those I send your way, and introduce them to Me and My ways. Be family to the orphans, a shelter to the outcasts, teachers to the hungry who seek Me.

Together, we are breaking the boundaries that have held you captive. We are pushing out into that wide open spacious life with boundaries built for safety and protection — not for tyranny, manipulation and control. Watch as I break open the boundaries that have tightly held you, and break open the way into this new wide open spacious life. Living will be different there, so prepare your heart for that.

Keep pushing and endeavoring to become the most authentic, holiest, truest you that you have ever been. Keep working with Me and allowing Me to help you strip away those identities, the masks, the facades, the titles, the habits, the mindsets and the triggers that are neither helpful nor essential to the true you; and we will walk lightly and unburdened into this new time and place that I Am breaking open.

Trust Me. Trust My plan. Trust the work of My hands. And trust Me in the shaking. The shaking will cause the breaking and the quaking, and that is what will break open the way to wide open spacious living. Don’t fear the shaking. I have many purposes in it.

How to Respond

  • Trust the Lord.
  • Seek the Lord diligently and fill your mind and heart with scriptures – especially those of the character of Jesus and of God’s promises to His people.
  • Sit with the Lord and ask Him if you are truly producing the fruit of the Spirit in the way He would have you. Is your fruitfulness impacting those around you?
  • Ask the Lord to continue to help you strip away and release those habits, mindsets, identities, triggers and wrong beliefs that are holding you back.
  • Declare that because of Jesus’s finished work, you are the righteousness of God, and nothing can separate you from His love.
  • Declare that you are becoming more like Jesus every day.
  • Declare that the Lord is moving and is breaking open the way for us into a wide open spacious life of freedom and security.


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