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Today’s Readings:
Romans 12
Romans 13:11-14
Psalm 119:113-120
Isaiah 44

44 1-2“Now, listen to me, my servant Jacob,
Israel, my chosen one.
I am Yahweh, your Creator, who shaped you in my womb.
Hear what I have to say to you:
‘Don’t fear. I will help you, O Jacob my servant,
Do not fear, my pleasing one, Israel.
3 I will pour refreshing water on the thirsty
and streams on the dry ground.
I will pour out my Spirit on your children,
my blessing upon your descendants.
4 They will spring up like grass blanketing a meadow,
like poplars growing by gushing streams.
5 One will say, “I belong to Yahweh.”
Another will be called Jacob.
Yet another will write on his hand “Property of Yahweh.”
Another will adopt the name Israel.’”

Isaiah 44:1-5

The Lord says,
What you are seeing and experiencing is grim, but I Am moving for a resurrection. I Am moving in transformational power that will cause a great return to innocence, to purity, to celebration and an ongoing desire for repentance and purification. In that movement, there will be great wells of refreshing and anointing, and there will be teachers there and wisdom imparted without ulterior motive and without an aim for selfish gain.

In that day and time, Believers will have great and easy access to higher spiritual things, to revelation and easier access to Me. The veil between man and God will be very thin in those days. I Am making it so. Pools of spiritual refreshing where wisdom is imparted and deep truths of Me are learned will be a focus in these days. My people will walk in great purity and in covenant relationship with the Lord Jesus as ones covered and made clean and acceptable by the shedding of His blood on Calvary.

12 Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? To surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship.
Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.

Romans 12:1-2

Trust and obey. Walk through this narrow place with Me. This place is narrow, and as I have been saying, you can’t bring much with you to the new time and place we are going. Old baggage must stay behind. It will not fit through this narrow passage. Old mindsets, old habits, old identities and old triggers — all of these things that you have picked up along the way that are not of Me and are also genuinely not of you, they must be dropped and stay behind.

Watch the freedom you feel when you leave these. They have become like security blankets and name tags and name plates, but truly they are corrupted and full of sabotage. We are leaving these behind. Go ahead and open your hands. Allow them to fall to the ground, and don’t look back. Just leave them as you walk with Me through this narrow place.

12 Night’s darkness is dissolving away as a new day of destiny dawns. So we must once and for all strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes. And once and for all we clothe ourselves with the radiance of light as our weapon. 13 We must live honorably, surrounded by the light of this new day, not in the darkness of drunkenness and debauchery, not in promiscuity and sensuality, not being argumentative or jealous of others. 14 Instead fully immerse yourselves into the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, and don’t waste even a moment’s thought on your former identity to awaken its selfish desires.

Romans 13:11-14

It may seem dark, and the distance is imperceptible for you. But hold My hand. I Am just one step in front of you, guiding you. As we emerge from this dark narrow place of transition, we will walk into into a glorious, bright, life-filled, spring-filled wide open spacious place. It will be a place of safety, of freedom and of generous love. This place will be marked by a desire for purity and holiness, a desire to serve one another and live in harmony. This is the place we are going. Take courage and walk through this dark narrow place of transition with Me.

As beautiful and free and open as this place is, My people will each have a role in standing guard as fierce and protective warriors for truth, for honor and for freedom. They will promote justice, and they will not allow entry to lies or cheap ideas. This newfound wide open spacious place of freedom — her borders will be vigilantly guarded by those who have no tolerance for lies, for false ways and for the erosion of rights and freedom. This is how the place will remain pure. This is how the place will remain safe — by and because of the vigilance of the inhabitants of this land.

114 You’re my place of quiet retreat, and your wraparound presence
becomes my shield as I wrap myself in your Word!

Psalm 119:114

You will find rest here. You will find refreshing here. You will find meaning and purpose here. It will be a place that allows for great self discovery in purity and truth, a place that allows for great experimentation in new things, new ideas and new ways of operating. This will be a place of trial and error, of finding a good fit, of making new inventions and of unearthing new resources.

Be willing to leave the old and the unuseful, unhelpful, un-you behind. Walk with me through the narrow dark place, and we will emerge into bright days of freedom. You will have much work to do there, but it will be filled with purpose and the renewed wonder of a child.

How to Respond

  • Examine yourself. Sit with the Lord and ask Him to pinpoint any beliefs, mindsets, triggers, habits, identities or other things that you are carrying with you and calling your own – but are not helpful, not of Him and not truly you.
  • As He highlights these to you, write them down. Ask Him why they are not of Him and not you. Write down the answers you hear. Write down your commitment to dropping them and leaving them behind forever. Ask Him to help you never pick them up again and never associate those things with yourself again.
  • Tell the Lord that you are willing to walk with Him through the dark narrow place of transition.
  • Declare that the Lord is moving in resurrection power and in transformational power to restore purity and freedom to the people and the land.
  • Declare that the Lord is bringing us to a place of great spiritual refreshing with beautiful and free flowing impartations of wisdom and truth.


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