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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 62-63
Isaiah 62

11 See? Yahweh has proclaimed to the ends of the earth:
Tell my daughter, Zion,
“Look, here comes your Deliverer!
See? He’s bringing his reward,
and his recompense goes before him.”
12 They will be called His Holy People,
The Redeemed of Yahweh.
And you will be known as Those Whom God Loves,
A City Not Abandoned.

Isaiah 62:11-12

The Lord says,
I Am guiding you through this present darkness, through the trials and the difficulties. I have been here for it all, and I Am guiding you forward. I Am guiding you through these last vestiges of darkness and out the other side. Whom or what shall you fear? Rest in My Presence. Trust in Me. Keep your eyes on Me. And keep moving. Keep following My lead. I will bring you out the other side of this. I know you are weary from the journey, and it seems like the journey through this darkness has been extremely long. When you look back, it’s as if you can almost only see the darkness, and there are but a few points of light. It’s as if even what you thought was light along periods of this journey, was actually darkness too. Let Me be your comfort. Hang close to Me, and let Me be your guide. I alone know the way forward. I alone hold the future in My hands.

For Zion’s sake, how can I keep silent?
For Jerusalem’s sake, how can I remain quiet?
I will keep interceding until her righteousness
breaks forth like the blazing light of dawn
and her salvation like a burning torch!
2 Nations will see your victory-vindication,
and every king will witness your blinding radiance!
You will be called by a brand-new name,
given to you from the mouth of Yahweh himself.
3 You will be a beautiful crown held high in the hand of Yahweh,
a royal crown of splendor
held in the open palm of your God!

Isaiah 62:1-3

The truth alone will triumph, and I Am causing the light to break through the extreme darkness now. Allow your eyes to adjust to the changes. You can perceive the darkness, but the light is increasing. More light and more truth is breaking through into the darkness even now. Trust in Me. Great is My faithfulness. I know no other way than being true to My word. Whom or what shall you fear?

Fill your heart and your mind with the truth of My faithfulness. Discipline your mind and your heart to be stayed on one outcome alone – victory.

11 God said to me once and for all,
“All the strength and power you need flows from me!”
And again I heard it clearly said,
12 “All the love you need is found in me!”
And it’s true that you repay people for what they do.

Psalm 62:11-12

The truth alone will triumph, and the truth is breaking the back of darkness even now. The truth will prevail. And the truth will set men free. The truth will set children free. The truth will set the unborn free. The truth will wave like a great standard, like a mighty flag over the nation. It will stand tall in triumph, in gallantry and in power as the One who brought the victory.

8 With passion I pursue and cling to you.
Because I feel your grip on my life,
I keep my soul close to your heart.

Psalm 63:8

Hold fast to the truth. Search for the truth and you will find it. Keep your eyes on Me. Stay close to Me, and follow My lead. I will bring you out from this dark place, and I Am doing so even now. Though much darkness seems apparent, and though much darkness has not yet been illuminated and cast out by the light of truth, it is coming. It will happen in My time. Stay the course. Build yourself up. Strengthen yourself in Me. Hold fast to the truth. We will emerge victorious, because I Am always victorious. And the truth alone triumphs.

How to Respond

  • Cultivate a heart of worship.
  • Strengthen yourself in the Lord by recounting and dwelling on His great faithfulness to you.
  • Live with an attitude and posture of thanksgiving and gratitude.
  • Look and eagerly search out the provision, faithfulness and gifts from the hand of the Lord.
  • Declare, the truth alone triumphs.
  • Declare, The Lord is bringing us out of darkness into His marvelous light.
  • Declare, The Lord is causing the light of truth to break through the darkness even now.
  • Declare, The Lord is always victorious, and I am on His side. I shall not fear.


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