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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 105-106
Isaiah 59

105 Go ahead and give God thanks
for all the glorious things he has done!
Go ahead and worship him!
Tell everyone about his wonders!
2 Let’s sing his praises! Sing, and put all of his miracles to music!
3 Shine and make your joyful boast in him, you lovers of God.
Let’s be happy and keep rejoicing no matter what.
4 Seek more of his strength! Seek more of him!
Let’s always be seeking the light of his face.
5 Don’t you ever forget his miracles and marvels.
Hold to your heart every judgment he has decreed.
6 For you are his servants, the true seed of Abraham,
and you are the chosen ones, Jacob’s sons.
7 For he is the Lord our God,
and his wise authority can be seen in all he does.
8–9 For though a thousand generations may pass away,
he is still true to his word.
He has kept every promise he made to Abraham and to Isaac.

Psalm 105:1-9

The Lord says,
We are entering truly wonderful days. We are entering days so wonderful, you will feel as though your heart will burst because it cannot contain the joy and the wonder, the gratitude that is flowing forth from it. You will love the Lord Your God. You will recognize the wonder of My hands and My works. You will understand the miracles and supernatural shaking I did on your behalf to achieve this end — to achieve justice, to establish truth, honor, grace, righteousness and My favor in the Earth again. The shaking is causing a great movement of restoration and of order. The restoration is a reformation, and the changes and reforms will restore godly order and will put things in their appropriate place; and they will reflect godly wisdom and order.

19 From the west to the lands of the rising sun,
the glory and the name of Yahweh
will be held in highest reverence,
for he will break in as a flooding, rushing river
driven on by the breath of Yahweh!
“He will come to Zion as a Kinsman-Redeemer
to those of Jacob’s tribes who repent of their rebellion,”
says Yahweh.

Isaiah 59:19-20

You know I’m involved when things move from chaos to order — that is the mark of the presence of the wisdom of the Lord. I Am moving us from chaos to order. I Am moving us from uncertainty to rest, faith and security. I Am breaking the chains and setting you captives free. I Am setting secure, firm and protective boundaries at the far reaches of this wide open spacious place I Am establishing you. There is much much room to roam, to live, to thrive, to build and to grow within the boundaries of My love and wisdom.

47 Do it again, Lord! Save us, O Lord, our God!
Gather us from our exile and unite us together
so that we will give our great and joyous thanks to you again
and bring you glory by our praises.
48 Blessed be our Lord God forever and ever.
And let everyone everywhere say, “Hallelujah!”
Amen! Faithful is our King!

Psalm 106:47-48

Sit and dwell with Me. Feel the light of My Presence warm your face and light and heat up your soul. Change is coming. Big shaking change is coming. You can feel the tremors now. You have felt some systemic shocks. These are just the beginning. The big shocks, the big shaking is coming. It will be momentary — but like any unfamiliar experience or journey you are on, the road will feel long because you don’t know what the duration is or how long until you reach the destination. Hear me, the shaking will be momentary, though when you are in the midst of it, it will feel like the shaking may never end. I promise you, it will end. It will end in a settling sort of way. When the shaking comes to an end and there is quiet in the land as the dust settles, there will be a great cacophony of emotions — grief, pain, remorse, gratitude, humility and thanksgiving. There will be a period of great repentance and solemnity that gives way to worship and celebration. Some of it will be mingled together, because people are on different parts of the journey in seeing and processing the truth. But all will feel it, see it, experience it. This is not a miracle for a few. This is a series of miracles for the ages. This will have a place next to the Exodus and wandering of Israel through the wilderness until finally taking the land that I promised them. What I Am doing in your day is that monumental, that impactful, that historical.

How to Respond

  • Trust the Lord. Get your footing by staying in the Word and staying close to His heart.
  • Rest in the Lord.
  • Don’t fear in the shaking. Instead, cling to the Lord and keep your eyes firmly on Him.
  • Declare, the Lord is moving in a magnitude of miraculous power that this generation has never seen or fathomed.
  • Declare, the Lord’s miracles from the shaking are moving us from chaos to order and will lead to restoration, reformation and the wisdom of godly order.
  • Declare, the Lord is establishing justice, truth, honor, righteousness, faith and His favor in the Earth.


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