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Today’s Readings:
1 Peter 2
Psalm 40
Isaiah 40

40 Your God says to you:
“Comfort, comfort my people with gentle, compassionate words.
2 Speak tenderly from the heart to revive those in Jerusalem,
and proclaim that their warfare is over.
Her debt of sin is paid for, and she will not be treated as guilty.
Prophesy to her that she has received from the hand of Yahweh
twice as many blessings as all her sins.”

Isaiah 40:1-2

The Lord says,
It is resurrection season. I have been here all along, but My spontaneous appearance on the scene will be undeniable. For those who don’t know Me and have not been with Me, it will seem like a new sudden arrival. It will be a jarring introduction but one filled with love and whose purpose is love. I have been operating in stealth, in secret, and moving undetected by the enemy. In My graciousness, I have provided rest and rejuvenation for the weary during the time of testing, strength training and endurance training.

I Am filled with pride to see those and to bring those who have been in a long period of waiting with expectancy into the victory. They are stronger now where the testing has ended in victory than they were in the place of waiting. They have come out stronger. It fills My heart with pride to see them stand in strength and victory. They know the battle has been won.

10 Look! Here comes Lord Yahweh as a victorious warrior;
he triumphs with his awesome power.
Watch as he brings with him his reward
and the spoils of victory to give to his people.

Isaiah 40:10

I Am the victorious One. I hold the scepter of ALL authority in My Hand. My reign is immovable, and no challenge against Me can stand. For those who have endured the testing and grasped onto the victory, I Am filled with pride.

Be busy about the work I have put in your hands. Though the plans keep changing, they are pure. Though the plans continue to evolve, and it is clear that they are temporary, continue to do the work set in front of you and move forward. Use the power and the strength, the insight and the wisdom I have given you to do the work of this transition time.

9 But you are God’s chosen treasure —priests who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvelous light, and now he claims you as his very own. He did this so that you would broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world. 10 For at one time you were not God’s people, but now you are. At one time you knew nothing of God’s mercy, because you hadn’t received it yet, but now you are drenched with it!

1 Peter 2:9-10

My graciousness is overwhelmingly equipping you with more than enough. Buy truth and do not sell it. Grab ahold of the revelation of the spiritual truths, the spiritual realities around you, and do not diminish them, discount them or let them go. I Am opening your eyes to see the true nature of the war we have been in, the true reality of the world around you. Worship. Allow your adoration and love for Me to pour forth and pierce the darkness. Your voice is a force that wields a lethal blow to the darkness. Don’t be timid, and don’t be quiet. Sing, worship, declare and watch the world around you. Watch what you see with your own eyes change in response to the power and authority of your voice. This is the right of the sons and daughters of the King. This is the right of the co-heirs of Christ.

3 A thunderous voice cries out in the wilderness:
“Prepare the way for Yahweh’s arrival!
Make a highway straight through the desert for our God!
4 Every valley will be raised up, every mountain brought low.
The rugged terrain will become level ground
and the rough places a plain.
5 Then Yahweh’s radiant glory will be unveiled,
and all humanity will experience it together.
Believe it, for Yahweh has spoken his decree!”

Isaiah 40:3-5

Rise up in power, in authority, in confidence and strength. Use your voice like a mighty trumpet of war. I have not given you a spirit of timidity, but of power, love and sound mind. Don’t let the enemy distort what you see or believe in this hour. It’s time to be clear headed, one with a restored and renewed, very disciplined mind and thought life. It’s time to be ones of fierce focus — with zero intention of backing up or backing down. Stand up, rise up, clothe yourself in the righteousness of Christ, and declare forth with a mighty trumpet shout.

3 A new song for a new day rises up in me
every time I think about how he breaks through for me!
Ecstatic praise pours out of my mouth until
everyone hears how God has set me free.
Many will see his miracles;
they’ll stand in awe of God and fall in love with him!

Psalm 40:3

Declare the arrival of the King! Declare the end of the reign of terror, darkness, sickness and destruction. All Hail the King! The King Eternal, Creator of Heaven and Earth, The King of kings and the Lord of lords, strong and mighty is come. The days of testing end with the arrival of My Glory. Victory has ridden in with Me. Allow your heart to burst forth with song, with praise, with worship. Bring out the old victory songs. Bring out the old songs of adoration and worship. Sing spontaneous new songs that tell of My extreme grace, power and deliverance. The earth has never seen anything like this.

How to Respond

  • Stand up in power. Recognize the strength and the endurance that you have been building with the Lord in this extended period of testing and waiting with expectancy. Rise up in confidence of the success of that preparation.
  • Recognize the power and authority of your voice as a co-heir of Christ.
  • Make declarations that break the power and reign of darkness in your home and community.
  • Sing a new song. Sing songs of old. Worship the Lord and praise the Lord for His gracious provision and His miraculous breakthrough.
  • Declare, The King of Glory is come, and His deliverance and victory are with Him.


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