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Convergence & Clash

The Lord says,
Jesus is rising. You can feel it in your spirit. You can feel it in your heart. He is rising and His name is rising. His eminence and preeminence are rising in the consciousness of the people. It will cause those on the side of the enemy to be more vicious and more combatant and increase the heat, the persecution of Believers. And it will raise the conviction and the voices of the Christians to a volume and intensity never seen before on the planet.

Convergence. And clash. This is a time of believers converging in great unity and clashing with the forces of evil that are here to lie, steal, kill and destroy. In convergence and unity believers will advance together with such a mighty roar, that it will blow back the forces of darkness – this roar will literally knock them down. And send them into retreat.

Great Spiritual Awakening

The Lord says,
I Am dripping blessings. The rain, the trickle of the beginning of My blessings are beginning to drop. They are a sweet and unexpected gift. Look for these sweet blessings. Feel them on your skin and in your heart. You will see these droplets of blessing and know that the rain, the downpour, the outpouring of My storehouse of blessings is near, is imminent. Expect change. Expect answered prayer. Expect revival. Expect joy. Expect a Mighty Wave of My Presence to move upon you in spectacular form.

I am releasing burdens, I am filling hearts with expectation. I am seeding dreams and revitalizing old dreams. We are moving into a new era. We are moving into a time of Great Spiritual Awakening and where deep deep spiritual rivers flow. Where people are operating in deep spiritual lives as part of normal life. Where the power of My Spirit can be seen and felt and talked about in community, in work. I am normalizing the depths of Me. I am normalizing casual and meaningful discussion of Me in all aspects of life – perhaps most surprisingly in the political and governing arena and the professional one.

The cancel culture is over. I have cancelled it. The welcome culture, the come one, come all culture, the unity culture, the Jesus, Holy Spirit, Father culture. This is the one to mark this new era. This is not revival. This is MY New World Order. This is My Kingdom Come. This is the the answering of Jesus’s prayer that many have echoed for the last 20 centuries. MY KINGDOM is coming in a powerful, undeniable, unmistakable, unparalleled and unimaginable way. You will see it. With your eyes. This is not figurative. It will change lives and the way we do life. It will change everything.

How to Respond

  • Declare that the rain of The Lord’s blessing is here. Declare it and look around you.
  • Open your eyes and your heart to it. Make yourself available to receive the blessings and the answered prayer that He is sending.
  • Declare the the outpouring of the light of truth on America.
  • Declare unity, convergence and deep strength among believers.
  • Declare the roar of the unity of the Body of Christ to blast back the plans of the enemy. The roar is our united prayer, worship and prophetic declarations of the vision The Lord has given you for the future.
  • Declare these things with your mouth, out loud. The chorus of believers pressing for the move of the Lord is getting louder and louder.
  • Declare His Kingdom come, His will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
  • Watch.


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