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Joshua 1:14-15 - Your wives, your little ones, and your cattle shall remain in the land which Moses gave you beyond the Jordan, but you shall cross before your brothers in battle array, all your valiant warriors, and shall help them, until the Lord gives your brothers rest, as He is giving you, and they also possess the land which the Lord your God is giving them. Then you shall return to your own land, and possess that which Moses the servant of the Lord gave you beyond the Jordan toward the sunrise.

This passage feels so appropriate for the time we are moving into. I feel it, and the Lord has said to me that breakthrough is here, and we are about to see great changes. He is creating space, wiping out a lot of evil and expecting, calling His children to step into places of authority and leadership. These verses are a great reminder that breakthrough will happen at different levels and speeds for different people and situations. And for those whose breakthrough comes first, we are called to not only stay in the fight, but to take that breakthrough and lead our brothers and sisters into battle with it. We are to take the victory and the rest that the Lord has given us and use it to wage war on the enemies possessing the land meant for our brothers and sisters. This is a picture of the days to come. And how the Body of Christ needs to respond. We are not to take our breakthrough, to win our battle and leave others to fight for theirs alone. Our victory must lead the charge into their battle. The confidence and testimony we have in the Lord from our victory will give them strength and courage. And together we will wage war – not of flesh and blood. But in prayer and worship, with declarations and prophecy, for the breakthrough and the victory of our brothers and sisters. This is how we fight our battles. This is how we take the land (America, the 7 mountains of influence and beyond) that the Lord is calling us to possess and occupy.

A Return to Jesus
The Lord says,
Jesus. A return to Jesus. A great return to Jesus. To adoration of His Name and His person, His sacrifice and His great love. I Am calling hearts back to Jesus. I Am shaking the sleeping ones awake to their need and unacknowledged desire for Him. I Am opening hearts and bringing fresh clarity to minds.

The enemy, the god of the air has clouded minds, confused judgement and caused lies to reign. He has stopped up ears to truth and caused eyes to see what they want, what they prefer rather than the truth. But I am shaking the sleeping ones. I Am wiping the sleep from their eyes and the clouds from their minds, ears and eyes. I Am clearing the space in their heart and opening these hard rock hearts to My voice and to the Name of My precious Son. You will see them coming.

This shaking, this awakening is not just for them, the sleeping ones, it’s for you too. It’s for those who know Me, know Jesus, know Holy Spirit and walk in step with Us. This is a time of a power surge for believers who are in lockstep with Me. I Am bringing new power, greater wisdom, breakthrough and victory for My people. Again I say, position yourselves for battle, ready yourselves for breakthrough and victory. Prepare yourselves for the harvest. To bring the message of the wonderful, life changing, transformative testimony of Jesus. To disciple and teach and walk with those that I bring into your path – at every turn.

Life is going to look very different. Life is going to become a walking, breathing opportunity to rejoice together, to pour My love into one another, to minister to the hurting and bring healing and joy and life at every turn. Life will look like a beautiful disruption of routine for communion and rejoicing and ministry. Consecrate yourselves. Prepare yourselves. Ready yourselves and your household. You need to be equipped to serve many. Because they are coming. And it will be Glorious. And unexpected and unscheduled. And messy.

He’s Creating Something New
The Lord says,
I Am painting a masterpiece. A new work. Something totally new. I Am making the world as you know it, unrecognizable. I Am blossoming in hearts and in unexpected places. I Am leading, drawing up changes like you won’t believe. My Hand, My Creative Hand is changing the paradigm. Is flipping the script, is causing great and massive, widespread disruptions. I Am breaking corrupt world systems. And raising up holy ones to co-labor with Me in restoring correct systems, frameworks, governing bodies and institutions.

I Am running missions right now – covert and overt. Many missions to administer justice and deliver truth. It may not be reported on yet. But you will see, you will hear of the shaking that I Am causing and the disruption of evil that I Am doing. The administrators of evil, many I have sent running scared. But they are trapped. They are like rats on a sinking ship, and the water is rising. No help will come for them.

Missions of freedom are rescuing many, are restoring many. Great discernment and wisdom is needed in the days ahead. They will be glorious and frightful. Keep your eyes locked on Me and keep your commitment to quick obedience. Keep your hands to the work you have been called. And watch the wonders I do among you and throughout this land. Throughout this world. Don’t be afraid. Know that I Am the one behind the shaking and the breaking of these systems.

It is a grave time for those who have sided with evil. Pray for changed hearts. Pray for their families and their associates. Shocking days are ahead. Be on the side of truth. Be on the side of justice. Be ready to be part of the solution. Be on the side of Jesus. Change is very very near.

How to Respond

  • Pray for the little ones and declare the release and rescue of captives – specifically those being held as victims of trafficking and abuse.
  • Declare justice for these little ones.
  • Declare the reign of righteousness and truth.
  • Ask the Lord how He would have you prepare for the days ahead.
  • Ask for clarity on what work He has put before you for this time.


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