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Make Room

The Lord says, 
Make room for Me. Make room in your heart for Me. Make room in your life for Me. Make room in your day for Me — for interruptions, detours, delays, divine setups. Make room in your budget for Me — for My House, My causes, My people.

Prepare the Way of the Lord

The Lord says, 
Jesus is the lover of your soul. He loved you so much that He made a way for you when there was no way. He made a way to restore your right standing with Me. He wants your heart. He wants to walk with you and do life with you. Close any gap that remains between you and Jesus.

A Purified Heart for the Lord Alone

The Lord says, 
What is making the people sick? What is causing their stomachs to turn? It is the mixture of their spiritual food. They declare My Name but add to it. They worship Me while saying their chants and emptying their minds and bowing to other gods and to people. I Am not a God to tolerate Mixture. I Am not One who has an equal or peers. I AM THE LORD GOD MOST HIGH. THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC & JACOB. I WILL NOT SHARE MY GLORY WITH ANOTHER. 

Make Room for Promises Fulfilled

The Lord says, 
I Am moving you, calling you from a place of striving and effort, busyness and stress, to a place of rest in Me, to a place of being, not doing. Life in Me is not about performance or numbers or activities. Life in Me is about dwelling with Me, about connection with Me, and about walking side-by-side with Me. When you are moving with My Spirit, you can sense and see what I Am in and what I Am not in. And you can align your work accordingly. Life in the Spirit is life drenched in meaning.

The Flood of His Glory

The Lord says, 
I Am healing, I Am doing deep, permanent healing - healing of hearts and minds, healing that restores discernment between truth and lies, between fact and fiction, between right and wrong. I Am doing a deep deep work among the people. I Am stitching hearts back together. I Am restoring neural pathways and creating new ones. Minds are being healed, and they are becoming holy. Believers are are finally receiving, taking on the Mind of Christ that is their birthright as a son or daughter.

Great Harvest of the Great Awakening

The Lord says, 
I’m in a good mood. I Am moving. I Am hovering. What is happening in the world has not escaped My notice or attention. But what I Am pleased with, what is bringing Me great pleasure, is the increased unity of the Body of Christ. I see a great increase in the unity today. Your voices are raising up to Me in unison today, and your prayers are rising to Me with the beautiful fragrance of incense. This is a tender moment of unity, brokenness and earnest seeking.

Sweet Wilderness Time

The Lord says, 
I have called many of My warrior lovers out into the wilderness with Me. I have called them for this particular time, this particular season, and for My own very specific reasons. Many have not recognized that they are in this wilderness season because the terrain has been so unusual, the circumstances of the world surrounding them have been so unusual. This time has been so disorienting, that they haven’t even realized that I have drawn them out to the wilderness with Me.

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