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Today’s Readings:
2 Peter 3
Romans 8:1-17
2 Corinthians 1:19-22
Isaiah 46:8-13

Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen.

Hebrews 11:1

Stop Striving

The Lord says,
I Am moving you, calling you from a place of striving and effort, busyness and stress, to a place of rest in Me, to a place of being, not doing. Life in Me is not about performance or numbers or activities. Life in Me is about dwelling with Me, about connection with Me, and about walking side-by-side with Me. When you are moving with My Spirit, you can sense and see what I Am in and what I Am not in. And you can align your work accordingly. Life in the Spirit is life drenched in meaning. Everything has meaning and purpose. You may not see or understand. I may not reveal to you the meaning of everything, but you can sense that there is meaning behind My promptings. How much more beautiful is a slower life of purpose than a fast-paced life of emptiness! This doesn’t require a mystical type of experience to achieve. Prioritize time with Me, and learn to tune into My voice and My heart. Follow those promptings you get from Me, and see the difference in your day – your lifestyle, your health, your attitude.

We are moving to a time where moving with My voice – not being pulled in 100 different directions will be of vital importance. Learning how to prioritize My voice and allowing Me to prioritize your day will be critical in this time. It’s time to shift – to march to the beat of My drum and tune out all of the other noises and competing cadences that are trying to have you prioritize them. My sheep know My voice. Hear Me. Tune in to the sound of My steady and reliable drum beat. It is trustworthy, and it will not overwhelm you. Learn how to tune into Me and how to tune out everything else.

Promises Fulfilled with Laser Precision

The Lord says,
I Am moving to fulfill promises with laser precision. The laser sharp, absolutely precise nature of My answering prayers and delivering on My promises will come with such accuracy — that it will cause you to look up and know without a doubt that it was I who moved to fulfill this in your life.
The accuracy and precision is so far beyond what could be called luck or coincidence or karma. It will be attributed to the Lord God Most High, the lover of your soul, the One who knew you before the foundations of the Earth. That is how precisely I Am moving to fulfill promises and answer prayers.

The answered prayers in this time will create intense deja vu moments, because they will mirror so exactly, so precisely the vision I planted in your heart in the form of a promise. Those visions from Me during your prayer time, during your day-dreaming time, and the ones that came out of nowhere – these visions are the seeds of promise I planted in your heart. They are the promise and the down payment, the sowing of hope, so that you would hold on, so that you would press in, so that you would not give up, so that you would contend for the vision, for the thing of beauty, for the restoration, for the fulfillment of these things that I long to bring to you.

This is the day we are in – of precise, intricately designed, tailor-made promises fulfilled.

Clear Out the Boulders

The Lord says,
From your perspective, it looks like giant rocks and boulders stand in front of you. They look so enormous, and they cause you to feel extremely tiny. But I Am empowering you, and I Am making it so that when you push up against these boulders, they will be moved immediately and roll down the hill. I have brought you to a high place, one where you can see with great perspective once these boulders crowding your view have been moved.

These boulders are mindsets, mental blockages, the voice of the skeptic in your head that says I cannot, that does not allow yourself to believe that the Lord your God will move. I will indeed move. These boulders are fear of man, fear of failure, fear of missing Me. Listen! These boulders are weighing heavy atop your faith, and you must push them off and out. I will give you the strength to push them out. And the perspective you will gain will be a Heavenly perspective. You will be able to see things from My perspective. My perspective is one of victory, of confidence and of authority and power. Remember whose side you are on. Remember that you are kingly priests made in My image, sanctified by the Blood of Jesus, seated in Heavenly Places. You are not a worm. Remember your place. Remember who you are. Remember Whose you are. Don’t shrink back at the sight of the boulder. Don’t be intimated by these blockages in your mind. Take authority over them, and command them to leave in the Name of Jesus. You are an overcomer, because He overcame. Push these blockages out and stay vigilant until they stay gone.

How to Respond

  • Write down the promises that the Lord has given you in the form of visions of hope for the future that have not yet come to pass. Hold these before Him, pray over them, and declare that He is indeed moving to fulfill them in this hour.
  • Sit with the Lord, and ask Him to reveal to you mindsets that are blocking your view, blocking your ability to see as He sees and operate in your rightful spiritual authority. Start commanding those mindsets to leave. And invite in a mindset of purity, of hope, of love, of compassion, of victory, of right identity – to replace those debilitating ones.
  • Get outside and enjoy creation. Take a look at all that the Lord made for your enjoyment and pleasure. None of it exists by accident.
  • Thank the Lord for His very specific love for you. Ask Him to highlight for you reminders of this love.


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