Today’s Reading:
Proverbs 12
Proverbs 23
18 Surely there is a future,
Proverbs 23:18
and your hope will not be cut off.
The Spirit of the Lord says,
Resurrection. Victory. Light overtaking darkness. And rapid, blink-of-an-eye change. I Am bringing resurrection — to hearts, to dreams. This is a season of widespread resurrection of dreams, hope and purpose. It will result in many personal changes, many changes in focus, in priority. It will result in many job changes and many shifts. This is a season in which I have already begun to stir up change, to stir up dreams, to give fresh vision and to breathe life on old, abandoned dreams. I Am resurrecting them. This is a season where I Am repositioning many. Many who are with Me will be drastically and dramatically repositioned. Many who are not yet with Me, I will pre-position for the call I have on their life. This is not a season for just the lovers. It is a season for the soon-to-be lovers, the will-be lovers and the could-be lovers.
“To learn the truth you must long to be teachable, or you can despise correction and remain ignorant. If your heart is right, favor flows from the Lord, but a devious heart invites his condemnation. You can’t expect success by doing what’s wrong. But the lives of his lovers are deeply rooted and firmly planted.”
Proverbs 12:1-3 TPT
This is a season where My Spirit, My change is touching the hearts of many indiscriminately, and the change will bring life, will bring openness and a fresh perspective. The change may be the very thing that opens the door to truth and to Me. This change may be the very thing that positions hearts for eternity. This change may be the very thing that positions people in their tribes, with their audience and with an amplified message that makes a difference. This is a time of cleansing. This is a time of truth. This is a time where personal truth is being revealed in hearts in private, and it will lead to great changes at the individual, family and community level. This is a season of great change, of God-breathed hope and where eyes are opened up to possibilities that were unseen or unseeable just moments before.
23 Buy truth, and do not sell it;
Proverbs 23:23
buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding.
This is a season to grab the truth and hold onto it. This is not a season for dismissing the truth. For those who grab and hold onto the truth that I impart to them, they will see change in themselves. They will experience life-giving change. They will be a beautiful living, gloriously glowing light of this truth to those around them. They will be living proof of My love, My voice and the change that hearing and receiving truth can bring.
How to Respond
- Purpose to daily ask the Lord to reveal the truth He wants you to see and to which He is calling you to align.
- Pray, Lord, You are truth. Thank You that You are revealing truth and offering life-giving, life-changing truth to many. Thank You that You are unchanging, and Your truth remains true forever. Open my eyes and my heart to the truth You want me to see and with which You are calling me to agree. Show me the places and beliefs I am holding that are not truth. Help me to reject anything in my life that is not truth and to align firmly with the truth You are revealing to me. I want to be positioned in truth. I submit myself to the life-giving changes and repositioning that You are calling for in this season. Help me to get where You want me to be.
- Declare, this is a season of resurrection of dreams, revealing of truth, alignment with truth and widespread repositioning of people.
- Decree, I will align with the truth of the Lord. I will reject the lies I have been believing as the Lord brings revelation. I will make the changes and reposition myself as He calls me. It is for my good and for the good of many to be exactly where the Lord is calling me to be.
For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in 2022: The Lord Has Released Hunger for Him into the Earth
And in 2021: Jesus Is Resurgent
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