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But now, thus says the Lord your Creator, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you who are Mine!”

”The people whom I formed for Myself will declare My praise.”

Isaiah 43:1, 21

The Lord says,
I’m thinking about safety, sanctity of life. Babies in mothers’ wombs. I’m thinking about these precious babies. The ones that I planted and gave life to, in whom I breathed the breath of My Spirit and filled their still forming lungs. Can man create life from nothing? No – he cannot. So what makes him think, what gives him the audacity to think that he can take it away? Why snuff out life before it’s had a chance? Puppies are more revered than My little ones, My people. Cattle are more revered than My gift of human life. This is heartbreaking, and it is evil. All life is beautiful and I have purpose in all of it. Period. You don’t get to say which deserves a chance. You don’t get to say under which circumstances these precious little ones can come into the world and live.

What got us to this point? A lack of respect, a lack of honor for the marriage bed. A lack of self-respect, a lack of the sense of responsibility. Lack is what got us here. Lack and entitlement. “I’m not enough but I should be able to have what I want when I want it.” What a vicious cycle that is.

I see the cycle and the pain it causes – the ripple effect of pain it causes through society, relationally, and down through generations. I Am moving to break the cycle. I Am moving powerfully, with a strong wake up call. With a clarion call. And I Am moving in the ways of purity. I am restoring purity and honor and self respect in this hour.

I Am moving on my broken people, so they stop breaking and destroying more people. This is a time of great healing and restoration. It requires humility. Humility requires open ears, eyes to see and soft hearts. That is the work I am doing amongst My people, and across the land right now – the softening of hearts, clearing of vision and opening of ears. My heart is broken for My children. Everyone deserves a second chance. So everyone must have a first one. All lives are precious in My sight. I made them. Be kind to yourself and to others, to each other. It makes all the difference in the world.

Watch My move – for wholeness, purity and life. Yes, I can bring it, and you will bear witness to me making beauty from ashes. There is none like Me.

I am heartbroken and grieving for My children, for the broken ones, for the hurting ones, for the lost ones. And I Am moving.

Island of Last Resort

The Lord says,
We are in the place of last resort – the island of last resort – where I Am the bartender. And I Am ready to pour the sweet drink of victory. Who is on this island of last resort? It is those who I have taken here. It’s those who have heard My call to come up higher. This remote island of last resort is a secret place. The enemy doesn’t know that I Am serving drinks of victory here. He doesn’t know that there is freedom here and celebration and unity here. This remote island of last resort is a prototype, a foretaste of what I will do in the Earth, of what I Am moving to do in the Earth. My people are waiting to be served the drink of victory. My victory people are waiting and asking for it. And I will serve it.

Victory and purity will go hand in hand. These will be the markers, the evidence, the product of My move on the Earth. These are the pillars of the Gate of My Glorious move. Watch in anticipation. Raise your voices, your hearts and your hands to Me.

How to Respond

  • Sing a joyful song to the Lord
  • Consider, dwell on the sanctity of life and the miracle of life. Repent for any harm you have caused and that we as a nation have caused to both the unborn and the living.
  • Ask the Lord to give you a foretaste of His victory. Ask Him where you need victory in your life and take a step of obedience if He gives you instruction.


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