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God of Heaven’s Armies, you find so much beauty in your people! They’re like lovely sanctuaries of Your presence.

What pleasure fills those who live every day in your temple, enjoying you as they worship in your presence!

Psalm 84:1, 4

The Lord says,
Patience. I’m breathing patience and grace and life on those who don’t know Me yet. Those who have been lied to, believe lies, live in ways that don’t serve or benefit them. To these I Am extending a heart of grace and compassion. I am beckoning them in. They are being drawn to the light of Me, to the light of truth. I have kindness and compassion and grace and healing for these.

These, many like these, will seek truth and find it. They will be kissed by the light. They will delight in Me. They will be changed. This is what the harvest looks like – it looks like many who are doing their own thing right now. Many who don’t know the right ways or the right path. It’s also those who were on the right path and were somehow led astray. It’s those who are angry with Me, it’s those who believe I caused or allowed tragedy in their lives. It’s those who are brilliant and genius and those who are simple.

I Am moving for these, for all of these who don’t know Me yet. And it is My pleasure to do it, and it is My joy to welcome them into My arms.

Honor for My People

The Lord says,
I’m honoring My people today. The steadfast ones, the worshippers, the ones with a wild heart for Me. I’m honoring them and shining the light of My Presence, My countenance on them. I Am spotlighting these ones who are My partners and friends. My co-builders. I have special blessings of joy and honor and sweet gifts, surprises to honor the sweet fragrance that their lives are to Me. They smell like a wild beautiful fragrant garden of flowers and tropical fruit trees to Me. This is a sweet season of communion with Me. And I am delighting in bringing surprises to My lovers.

How to Respond

  • Soak in the beauty of the Lord. Enjoy His Presence and His creation.
  • Worship Him with a new song or an old favorite.
  • Find a way to bless someone – surprise someone with an act of kindness.


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