Today’s Reading:
Psalm 121
Psalm 139
Proverbs 4
[…] the lovers of God walk on the highway of light, and their way shines brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
Proverbs 4:18 TPT
I heard the Spirit of the Living God, the Father of all creation say,
Grace to behold My face. Grace to see what touches My heart. I’m opening to you the paths of righteousness. I have given to you the keys of My heart — so that through you, by your hands, My Kingdom does come and My will is done on Earth as it is in Heaven. This is what it is to be co-laborers and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus. This is what it is to be firmly planted and anchored on Christ the Rock and firm foundation in whom there is no shifting shadow but only pure light. These are days for children of the light. They are arising and shining and burning brighter and hotter than they ever have before.
I look up to the mountains and hills, longing for God’s help. But then I realize that our true help and protection is only from the Lord, our Creator who made the heavens and the earth. He will guard and guide me, never letting me stumble or fall. God is my keeper; he will never forget nor ignore me. He will never slumber nor sleep; he is the Guardian-God for his people, Israel. Yahweh himself will watch over you; he’s always at your side to shelter you safely in his presence. He’s protecting you from all danger both day and night. He will keep you from every form of evil or calamity as he continuously watches over you. You will be guarded by God himself. You will be safe when you leave your home, and safely you will return. He will protect you now, and he’ll protect you forevermore!
Psalms 121:1-8 TPT
Draw near to Me. Come into My canopy of love and bliss. I Am Your refuge and shelter, your hiding place. But more than that, I Am the Holy of holies, and you have full, unfettered access to Me. Any hindrance to My heart is on your side, not Mine. Break down every wall. Remove every barrier. I have already torn the veil in two from top to bottom. The hindrance to accessing My Presence, My voice, My sight is not on My side. It is on yours. Let Me help you unlock those prison walls that you have allowed to surround you because of hurts, because of injuries to your heart, because of offense. The walls you erected to protect yourself have only served to imprison you, and they have become a barrier between you and Me. Let’s tear down those prison walls. I know they were meant for protection, but they have become prison walls that have far superseded their intended utility. Let Me help you tear down those walls. Take My hand, and let Me guide you into this wide-open spacious place I have for you.
God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares. See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting way— the path that brings me back to you.
Psalms 139:23-24 TPT
As every wall is removed on your side, you will see and experience My beautiful glorious unending Presence. I have no beginning and no end. Neither does My Presence have time or space limitations. Beyond those prison walls you will see that I Am here. Run to Me for your protection. Cause Me to be your hiding place. This way there are no walls between us. This way you will see that I Am the Gate to these pathways of righteousness I have laid out and opened to you. You will see that being moved by the impulses of My heart, My Spirit now becomes akin to breathing. This is what happens when no barriers remain, and you take My hand and walk out into this wide-open spacious place I have provided. Join Me unhindered on the Everlasting Way, and we will build beautiful things together — on Earth as they are in Heaven.
How to Respond
- Pray, Lord, search me. Help me to see and tear down every protective wall I have built to keep myself from harm. I want to live carefree before You, because You are the One who takes care of me. I release my need to self-protect. Instead, I run into Your arms and say, Papa, I return the right and responsibility for my heart’s protection to You. I don’t want anything I do, think or feel to create a barrier between us. I give you the right to reign fully and comprehensively as King of my life.
- Read Psalm 121 out loud. Speak it over yourself and your family.
- Declare, where the Spirit of the Lord reigns, there is liberty.
- Decree, This is a time for prison walls surrounding hearts to crumble. This is a time for the King of kings and Lord of lords to have unfettered access to my heart, to receive the right to protect me. He will do a much better job than I ever could. With no separating wall between us, the Lord will be my protection, my refuge and strength. He will give me the grace to see His face, and He will give me the keys to His heart. He will take me by the hand and lead me on the Everlasting Way, where I will build with Him on Earth as it is in Heaven.
For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past: