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Today’s Readings:
Mark 4:35-40
Luke 8:40-56
John 4:43-53
Psalm 37
Isaiah 66:6-16

So don’t be impatient for the Lord to act; keep moving forward steadily in his ways, and he will exalt you at the right time. And when he does, you will possess every promise, including your full inheritance. You’ll watch with your own eyes and see the wicked lose everything.

Psalm 37:34

A Season of the Impossible Happening

The Lord says,
This is a season where I Am making the impossible happen, where I Am raising dead situations and dead dreams and dead desires, and I Am causing resurrections. I Am doing for the nation what many thought was impossible. I Am moving in your life – in your family, your health, your finances, in the deep desires of your heart – I Am moving in restoration and resurrection power. I Am shaking things up and bringing beauty from ashes. I Am bringing life where there was nothing. And it will be unsettling to many. It will be disorienting, because so many have settled for and settled into a life of lack, a situation of less than, a nation of crumbling hopes and values. But I Am moving to bring a great wave of change. Much change will happen in an instant, in a moment, in a flash. Like if you turn your head, you could miss it. There will be a sound of change. It will be like the snap of fresh linen – of a fresh tablecloth being settled on a table.

This is not a far-off word, a far-off reality. I Am setting new tables even today. This week. Expect to start seeing changes – big picture national changes and personal life changes as soon as this week. I Am setting the table for change. My setting the table is change. I Am setting many change tables. The setting of the table is the start of change. And the change will continue from there. Changes will be progressive from My initial setting of the table. It will look like one unexpected breakthrough, one major table of change in the nation. But there will be many smaller tables of change – both at the national level and in your own life.

A Political Resurrection

The Lord says,
I Am making a dead man walk again. I Am making a politically dead man walk again. Many thought they could take out President Trump. Many have tried to kill him politically, personally and literally. But I have been his wraparound shield, because he is My man for this hour. And I Am raising him from the political and governmental grave that many sought and conspired to put him in. Let’s be honest, it was a shallow and poorly dug grave.

What I Am moving to do is like a steady march, is a resurrection and a steady march back to the top. As a flag is raised by successive pulls, one hand at a time, so am I reestablishing, resurrecting and raising My man Donald J. Trump. And he will restore America as a beacon of hope, of freedom and right living. Through him, I will restore prosperity, economic power, innovation, security, engineering and manufacturing prowess in this country.

Hear Me now. This is the table of change I Am setting. Be aligned or get out of the way, because it is surely going to happen.

Be Prepared for Change

The Lord says,
Prepare your heart for change. Prepare your mind for great change. Massive waves of change are about to break through. Massive waves of change are coming to you. Be flexible. Be positioned, and be prepared to be stunned, amazed and delighted at the changes that I bring.

It will horrify and terrify and cause many to gasp and shriek — those who thought that their evil plans had won the day. These are the ones who thought that they had gotten away with murder. These are the thieves and those who do evil deeds of darkness. They are right to shriek.

Yet others who have not yet seen the light, these too will shriek and gasp. Their horror will be borne of confusion and wrong thinking – not evil. But as the picture becomes more clear, as the full picture of truth emerges – they too will be on the side of those rejoicing. And they too will be thankful for the change I have brought.

How to Respond

  • Tie up loose ends and get your house in order. Change is very near.
  • Declare the day of the Lord’s breakthrough.
  • Declare that His powerful move of change has arrived.
  • Ask the Lord to show you how to be aligned to His purposes in this hour, this day, this moment of change.
  • Celebrate, because the breakthrough is at our doorstep.


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