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The Lord says,

The evidence is out there, about the stealing, selling, abuse and atrocities being done to children. Pray, yes pray for their release, their rescue, their freedom. Pray for law enforcement to be on the mark. Pray for opportunities for little ones and women and men who are being held – to escape. Pray.

But also prepare yourself. Be ready to act. This is going to require action on the part of My Saints. Political action, financial support, and rescue support.

I need homes for these little ones. Safe, kind places of healing.
I need counselors and doctors and nurses to bind up the broken places.
I need Holy Spirit filled believers to flood their atmosphere and reality with My Presence. To calm them and remove their mind from relieving the horrors.

Yes, the children are on My mind. And I need doers. Ones who are willing to do the hard thing. To step up, to love, to be a bridge and a safe haven. These children, My children need homes. They need love, they need repair, they need to laugh again, to be children. They need affection that is pure and safe. They need moms and dads. Aunts and uncles. They need to be welcome.

Would you make room?
Would you get ready?
Would you have a place for them in your heart and in your home?
I am ready to rescue them. Rescue missions are already happening. We need homes.

I heard the Lord say,

Healing. Healing is here and available. It is happening in concentrated geographic pockets, but the oil of My healing is spreading. And I am opening the warehouses of Heaven to bring full restoration and healing to all of the parts and places that need it. Injury and illness cannot have victory over Me. They stand no chance against Me. My desire is for wholeness, for healing, for a full, pain free abundant life in Me. Healing is available now, and it will continue to spread across the land.

The Lord showed me Capitol Hill and said,

Traitors have made it so My Name, My Word and the American flag are not welcome in the people’s house. But I say, No. They are not welcome. It is they who are not welcome. And they will cry at their exposure. And they will grasp and cling to the flag as they are carried out under arrest.

These filthy ones do not represent Me, and they do not represent My people or the people in general. They represent satan, lies and evil. And I will cause them to vanish from the scene. It will be a very somber and sobering thing. But the world will see what kind of absolute filth and abominable people have exalted themselves into power using the name representative. They represent evil and not the people. They will stand in these places, in these chambers, in these halls no longer.

How to Respond

Prophesy all of these things. It is time to declare:
• The release of captives
• Justice for victims
• Arrests, arrests, many many many arrests for the evil doers. For the functionaries and for the abusers. That every part of this business of human and child trafficking would be destroyed once and for all.
• Exposure – great exposure for these vile and corrupt and satanic ones who behave not like humans and have no value for human life. Who exalt themselves above all else and above The Lord God Almighty.
• Safety for the babies and the children. Release, protection and healing for their minds and bodies.
• Homes, that believers would open their hearts and their homes to the rescue and to be safe havens for these little ones.
• That the Lord’s people would tune up their ears, tune them in to His voice, so they can be ready to run into the burning buildings where He has need of them in, to rush into the fields white for harvest, to fling open the doors of their homes and say, “come.”
• There is much work in the days ahead. It’s about to get real. Be ready to go, be ready to meet the Lord where the rubber meets the road.


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