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I heard the Lord say,

When you look around at the country and the world with natural eyes, it is hard to be an optimist. It is hard to have hope. The sin, the filth, the destruction and disintegration of society and the family; of cities – is so clear. But I AM moving in the midst of this. I AM moving in the midst of the chaos, the sin, the evil and filth. And I will bring down the walls standing between America and the promised land. Just as I did for My people at Jericho. I am making a way where there is no way any longer to see in the natural. The evil seems too big, too powerful. Yet these evil giants are secretly cowering in fear at the sight of My people, in the hearing of truth in the chambers, in the airwaves. The sound of truth causes them to tremble. So fear not. Consecrate yourselves. For today I will do a great work among you – something very wonderful. So remarkable that you could not have imagined it.

I will bring the walls down built by evil. And My people will invade. And I will take out those ones – the power players who seem to get away with every kind of evil. The massive ones who have shored up power in every realm of society – or most realms of society. These will be rendered powerless in My sight and at the move of My Hand. And My people will rush in, will come in like a flood to pick up the pieces. To build up the waste places. To restore this city, this society, this country that we love to one of wholesomeness, and honor. To one of morals and justice. To one of freedom, strong character, strong people.

I didn’t make Americans to be weak couch potatoes. No, I created them with lion’s hearts- ferocious, and fearsome and passionate people. We will see that side of America emerge again – in a healthy and fearsome way. The world will know that America has been awakened. That the lion has been awakened from his slumber and he is not to be provoked. Provocation will lead to swift retaliation and destruction for those foolish enough to try. Domestically and globally.

Once again, the voice of American freedom will say, Lady Liberty will say – Don’t tread on me. Respect and fear of America will be restored in the world. They will know that the Lord is her God. And she is not weak, but fearsome.

You will see destruction of existing power structures and the takedown of these titans, these giants who have dishonored Me and have used their power to oppress My people. Don’t be confused or dismayed when you see this destruction start. This is a good thing, a very good thing. It is a huge marker toward regaining, reestablishing freedom. Instead, be excited when you see these things happen. Celebrate and know that I AM, the Lord Your God, has heard your cries and is moving among you. You’d couldn’t even see all that was going on, and you didn’t even know fully how to pray or the extent of the evil devices being used against you were. But I know. I have seen these, and I am moving to break their power over you.

Move in swiftly when you see these things happen. Be close to My heart, and be ready to respond, to take your place, to be a part of the clean up and restoration. Don’t hesitate. My people need to come and stand and take the ground I have given them, the moment – the very moment that I bring down these walls and go after these giants. Don’t let lesser criminals come in and stand in these places. (Joshua 9) You must occupy, you must defend, you must be very thorough – ruthless in clearing out these places that were once held by the enemy. Leave no stone unturned. Leave no sad small criminal in place. Wipe them out. Push them out, drive them out of the beautiful land that I have given you.

The Lord says,

I am picking people up from the rubble of their sin. It’s almost like an excavation project. People have been so beaten down and buried by their sin. By the consequences of believing the lies of the enemy – about their identity, their worth, about what freedom means and what its purpose is, about how to treat others, about how to operate in business.

I am refueling them. I am fueling them with the oil of gladness, because they have looked up. they have looked up and seen My hand reaching down to pick them up. And they have grabbed hold of it. They have clung to the Father and have been washed clean in My Presence. They are being filled with the oil of gladness and it will power them. It will be a fuel to them like they have never experienced before. They will become a powerful people on an all-terrain mission for Me. They will serve many, reach many and take care of, dispose the baggage of many. These I am sending them out like special envoys – often discreet and low profile into the rubble. They will be easily recognized because they are not covered in dust and grime. No they are shiny and clean despite the dust and the destruction. And they will draw the curiosity of many. And many will be drawn to the health and the cleanliness they see. And they will receive living water as they engage these new glad ones. And they too will be washed clean and become sparkling and new. It will be a great contagion of restoration. The attractiveness of these glad ones, these whole ones will call to the hearts of many. And many, I mean many will respond and receive their salvation and restoration as well. It is happening in some quarters now. And the contagion of restoration is spreading rapidly.

I am calling My people to a renewed and refined, a distinct level of purity of heart, mind and body. Purity is what makes you shine and attractive. Purity is the natural response, outgrowth of a heart bent toward Me. Purity is essential – it is the accelerant in this fiery contagion of restoration. Purity will mark this move. Pure hearts, pure eyes, pure mouths will bless these ones who have experienced so much trauma, so many coarse words and such harsh treatment. Purity in you soothes the souls of the ones I am drawing. Like abused and beaten animals, they can come – will only come to a soft, quiet, safe and welcoming spirit. Sharp edges and instability will leave them rushing away. Purity and constancy are required to draw in these traumatized, broken ones.

How to Respond

Patience. Patience My little ones. Though the scene looks very dire, I AM here. I AM moving. And My victory is certain, because I have already won.

This is a call for repentance, for a time of reflection and cleansing. Prepare your hearts and your lives for the Great White Harvest. Prepare your life for taking ground in society.

This is a time of high alert and active duty. Be on the watch, be on alert. Be ready at a moment’s notice. Because the walls will come tumbling down. And go-time will be upon us in an instant. There is no room for hesitation. You must run to the take the city, run to take ground before the dust even settles. My warriors are healers. And My healers are warriors. And builders, craftsman – skilled and trained, equipped for restoration of this nation.

Restoration of highest excellence – in quality and design. It will be a marvel to the nations. Even Americans will marvel at the new structure, the new design, the new framework of society and governance. They will stand back in awe of what I have done. It will be undeniable that I opened the path, that I took out the giants and that I gifted My people for this time in history – to build anew. To cut away the rotten and the broken parts, and to build something better, stronger, something trustworthy and secure. Something for My people, to serve Americans. Not to crush and oppress them. The machine will now serve them, instead of crush them.

It will be a miracle and a marvel and a model to the nations.


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